– We are in control – VG


INCREASES: Infection in Oslo has increased more in the 20-30 age group. Photo: Frode Hansen, VG

The infection has doubled in Oslo in the last week. This is an expected increase, according to chief infection control physician Frode Hagen.

From week 32 to week 36, the municipality of Oslo had around 100 new cases of infection per week. In week 37, however, the municipality registered more than 200 new cases.

– It looks like that trend will continue this week too, says Oslo’s infection control chief Frode Hagen.

This week, the municipality registered 44 cases on Monday, 38 on Tuesday and 42 on Wednesday, he says.

Thus, this week a total of 124 infected people have been registered.

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Hagen says the proportion of people infected in their 20s and 30s is higher now than before.

About 80 of the more than 200 infected last week were in the age group.

Oslo ranks fifth among the Nordic regions with the highest infection pressure.

– Good overview

– What does the duplication say about the infection situation in Oslo today?

– This is another expected increase. Now all other infections are coming soon, which will affect the number of infections, but it was expected to happen, Hagen says.

He states that the municipality is constantly considering whether to continue with the measures or put other measures in place to prevent further spread of the infection. Both the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) and the Norwegian Health Directorate assist in the work.

– Does the municipality have control of the infection today?

– We can track, find infected, and quarantine close contacts. Now the testability has reached a level that allows us to test quickly. We have a good overview and we are in control, says Hagen.

The proportion of people infected with an unknown site of infection has always been stable at between 30% and 40%, but has recently decreased somewhat.

More comprehensive infection tracking

The vast majority are still infected by family and friends, followed by school and universities and in work situations.

– School-associated infection was largely associated with Bjørknes, Hagen states.

It highlights that there are also several minor outbreaks, but up to ten infected, in the districts.

– For example, there are several schools with infection in which parts of the school are closed, be it classes or steps, he says.

Hagen points out that especially younger ones can have very active weekdays and that the municipality must track infections in various places.

– We generally see that there are more extensive traces of infection. It is an increasingly active society, he says.

– What should the municipality do to avoid losing control of the infection?

– The most important thing is that people follow the advice that is already there. Get even closer to following the advice. If you are sick, you must stay home. If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, avoid contact with other people, even if you have a negative coronary test, the infection control doctor recommends.

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