– We are deeply grateful to the volunteers who participated in the search.


Around 150 volunteers participated in the search for Jarle Håvard Nikøy, 36, from Askvoll.

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Around 150 volunteer crews and more than 30 ships participated in the search for the missing man from Askvoll on Saturday. Photo: The rescue company

The Askvoll man was reported missing Thursday afternoon when he did not return home after crabbing.

Important resources have been sought for the man since he was reported missing.

On Saturday, police will come out with the 36-year-old man’s name in consultation with relatives. It was the newspaper Firda that reported the case for the first time.

Norwegian rescue dogs were in town Thursday night to participate in the search for the man. Photo: Helene Høiset Sæterdal / Norwegian Rescue Dogs

It ends as a rescue operation

On Friday night the search for the missing person was completed as a rescue operation. Then they had searched it at Stongfjorden, north to the entrance to Førdefjorden and Florø. In addition, a search for islets and reefs was conducted on the north side of Atløy.

– The search has continued in the same way today, although we are in a different phase, says Åge Løseth in the West police district.

About 150 volunteer crews and more than 30 vessels participated in the search on Saturday. In addition, a search has been conducted on the beach.

– We are deeply grateful to the volunteers who participated in the search. Just take off your hat. This would not have been possible without them.

People who can’t contribute by boat bring hot food and drink, says Løseth.

Several ships search the sea between Atløy and Askvoll in Sunnfjord after a man was reported missing. Photo: The lifeboat «Halfdan Grieg»

also read

Search Operation for Missing Man in Askvoll: – I’ve searched all night

Wait for sunday

Løseth said the search for the missing person will continue on Sunday.

– Later we also got an anchor-handling vessel from the management of the DOF company, a company for which I did not have a job.

The company provides modern underwater equipment.

– They provide this equipment for free. It is a significant strength for us.

