Warns of increased tightening – VG


Last week, the city introduced strict local measures to overcome the outbreak. After Bergen saw the highest number of infected since March, they are now preparing people for further austerity.

During today’s press conference in Bergen, Councilor Roger Valhammer expressed his concern.

In the last 24 hours, Bergen has registered 82 new cases of infection in Bergen, which is equivalent to 2415 infected in total. According to Valhammer, this is the highest number of infections since the pandemic began.

– I am very concerned that we still have a rising average and that today we have a new record for infections. We look with great concern at the development that lies ahead, says the municipal council leader.

Bergen Health Council, Beate Husa, also expresses the seriousness of the situation:

– This is a shady new album that worries us. Now it is serious in Bergen. We have a widespread spread of infection in society.

WARNING: Councilor Roger Valhammer is preparing the people for the city to re-toughen its measures, after they broke a record for contagion today. Photo: Hallgeir Vågenes

Valhammer further announced that there will likely be further measures for Bergen before the weekend.

– We will quickly conduct local assessments. At the same time, I would like to warn that it is very likely that we will need increasingly powerful measures in addition to the measures that have now been introduced in Bergen.

In addition to the infection control rules that the population has long been familiar with, such as distance and hand hygiene, the town hall leader emphasizes that it is very important to remember that now everyone must reduce the number of contacts close.

– More recently, I spoke to the Minister of Health, Bent Høie, about the situation in Bergen and we will have more dialogue tomorrow. Following the recommendations and decisions that have been reported at the national level, we will quickly conduct local assessments. We will also have a meeting with the National Institute of Public Health before making decisions.

NOTICE: Health Councilor Beate Husa encourages people to be careful notifying their close contacts, even if the infection detection team also tries to contact everyone: – Call your close contacts to emphasize seriousness said the city council. Photo: Marit Hommedal

New infection tracking system

Health advisor Husa says that 10 of the 82 infected are infected by imports.

– At present, we do not have an overview of how many of these 82 have an unknown source of infection. The age difference is from 3 months to 81 years between those infected.

Husa further explains that they are now using new and expanded routines to track infections.

– All newly infected are called by the emergency room as usual, but they will also receive an SMS with a link to a form where they can fill in their close contacts. Once it has been sent, all nearby contacts will automatically receive an SMS informing them to go into quarantine.

Husa points out that those who do not fill out the form will be followed up, so in any case close contacts will be notified.

She believes it will be a challenge to track down all 82 newly infected in the next 24 hours.

– This emphasizes the importance that everyone who is told they are infected should answer the phone. It is very important to fill out a form about who your close contacts are and feel free to call your close contacts as well to emphasize seriousness.

also read

19 infected students in Tromsø: – Alarming number of positive test results

Last week’s measurements will remain

During a press conference last week, Bergen proposed new measures to stop the infection.

During today’s press conference, Huse stressed that measures are still necessary to curb the spread of the infection.

– It is intrusive in many ways, but we see that it is necessary to further reduce the spread of the infection. We have an outbreak in the Løvåsen nursing home, where there is an employee and three residents who have been diagnosed with corona.

These are the measures that were introduced in Bergen on Thursday night last week:

  • Prohibition of private meetings with more than ten people, with the exception of cohorts for kindergarten and primary children.
  • Mandatory for bandages on public transport that cannot be kept one meter apart
  • Mandatory for indoor bandages in public places where a distance of one meter cannot be maintained
  • Prohibition of more than 50 participants in public events without a fixed seat. With fixed seats, the limit is 200, according to national regulations.
  • Liquor liquor stop and entry stop at nightclubs at midnight
  • Requirements for the identification of guests and guest lists in restaurants, even where alcohol is not served
  • Requirement that the noise level in nightclubs must not exceed a level where guests can have a conversation from one meter away
  • New Nursing Home Visiting Restrictions
  • Recommendation that everyone who can have a home office should have one

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