Warnings for steps at 30 degrees


– The cold in the interior of eastern Norway is quite harsh. In Trysil, for example, last night the temperatures dropped to minus 30 degrees. But during the week, it seems that the temperatures increase little by little, and that everyone gets more degrees and rain towards the weekend.

It is state meteorologist Pernille Borander of the Meteorological Institute who is warning of the storm in temperatures this week.

– We now have a weather situation with more clouds and gradually softer air. Those on Trysil will notice a difference between what they should wear today and what they should wear this weekend, he tells Dagbladet.

Night life

Oslo “unknown” nightlife: – 2000 reserved

But this does not apply to the whole country. It is from Trøndelag and the south that good cold weather is now replaced by softer air masses and rain.

North of Trøndelag, slightly milder weather is also reported, but not as much as further south. In the north, there is also hope for clear weather, says the meteorologist.

THROUGH THE ICE: On Saturday, the ATV passed with two people on the ice in Sarpsborg. Snapchat reveals that there were still many who made the ice on Sunday, February 14. Photo: Klas Pettersen
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Low pressure

– The really nice winter weather we have seen in recent weeks, with beautiful cold weather, is changing in southern Norway. Now the low pressures are setting in our direction, and it is gradually getting softer. In some places it has already started small. At the Ørsta / Volda airport, more than 6 degrees were reported Monday morning, says Borander.

In Oslo, some wind and rainfall are expected in the coming days, says the meteorologist.

– Some scattered snow expected in Østafjells and sleet and rain in the west, it says.

– We are entering a week with more unstable weather. It will be a gray week, this, he adds.

Ice bath trend: - We build character

Ice bath trend: – We build character

– Will the snow rain?

– It will be a while before you really get lost in the heights, where there have been a good inches of snow, but for those starting the winter holidays this weekend it will probably be necessary with a completely different ski lubrication, says Borander . .

It is difficult to say exactly how much temperatures will rise, but the meteorologist believes it may reach 10 degrees in Bergen this weekend and something almost similar in Oslo.

Opportunities for the sun

In the far north of the country, plow crews have had a lot to do lately, says the meteorologist.

– In Tromsø, there has been so much snow this weekend! There has been more snow in the last two weeks than during the rest of the winter, says Borander.

Now, however, the precipitation will slow down considerably in the north, he says.

– In both Nordland, Troms and Finnmark, the rains will stop during the day and the rest of the week looks dry and pleasant, he says, adding that there are good opportunities for the sun in this part of the country next week.
