Warning fight over Kamzy – – It’s a culture


A week after Kamzy Gunaratnam won the battle for second place on the Oslo Ap parliamentary list, she is accused of abusing power and freezing her party colleagues.

Gunaratnam supporters do not understand and reject the allegations.

Dagens Næringsliv wrote today that three warnings have been received over the past month against the Labor Party leadership, which has now secured a place on the Storting’s list for the next term. The warnings have been processed in the party organization without any breach of the guidelines.

One of the complainants is Sarah Gaulin (25), leader of Søndre Nordstrand Ap. Her notification was processed by Deputy Party Secretary Kristine Nordenson Kallset, and ended on the same day as the nomination meeting in Oslo Ap. Kallset concluded that it was not there was basis to assess the circumstances mentioned in the notification against the party’s guidelines on harassment.

The new top woman from Oslo Ap

The new top woman from Oslo Ap

– Use networks

Gaulin tells Dagbladet that she is disappointed in the party office’s treatment, but will pursue the case in other ways.

“I have submitted documentation on things that I have reacted to, and I think this is a culture that the party must clean up,” he says.

She believes that the deputy mayor and vice chairman of the Oslo Labor Party, Kamzy Gunaratnam, has used closed Facebook groups in the Oslo party to mobilize for his own candidacy. It refers to “Generation Y” and # hunbørstille, which are projects started by Gunaratnam.

IS HISTORY: Støre believes that the conflict in the party is something they have left behind. Video / photo: Nina Hansen
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Both initiatives have their roots in the Oslo Labor Party and are party projects, Dagbladet confirms at the party office in the Oslo Labor Party.

– I tried to join, but they rejected me because I was too young and had AUF. But I positively know other people my age who are with them. Kamzy has stated that he has withdrawn from the networks. But until Nov. 20, when I announced, she was the administrator, Gaulin says.

– There are no member lists, no guidelines and who can join randomly, says Gaulin.

Sundnes secures space

Sundnes secures space

I want cleaning

He wanted Zaineb Al-Samarai to rank second on the Oslo Ap parliamentary list, but says his warning has nothing to do with it.

– I have taken the case on my own initiative. I have no personal interest, nothing to gain or lose, in him. I am disappointed with the processing notice, but will follow up. I want it cleaned internally, says Kaulin.

Steinar Saghaug, who has held many positions in the Labor Party and the Oslo Labor Party over the years, reacts strongly to the accusations against Kamzy Gunaratnam. He was one of those who spoke for his candidacy at the nomination meeting.

– Syltynt

– This seems crowded and like a warning institute abuse. What is alleged has little to do with what I associate with a cautionary tale. I perceive it as if the dispute over the nomination continues, says Saghaug.

It also indicates that the alerts have been processed and saved.

– The aforementioned networks, Generation Y and # hunbørstille, have been perceived as something positive in the Labor Party. Generation Y has been a way of meeting young people, who want to know more about the Labor Party before signing up, as a kind of “front yard” for the Labor Party. # hunbørstille has also been a positive element in getting girls who were not born at the party to join in, says Saghaug.

KAMZY SUPPORTED: Labor veteran Steinar Saghaug spoke warmly on behalf of Kamzy Gunaratnam at the nomination meeting in Labor Oslo.  Photo: Bjørn Sigurdsøn / Scanpix

KAMZY SUPPORTED: Labor veteran Steinar Saghaug spoke warmly for Kamzy Gunaratnam at the nomination meeting in Labor Oslo. Photo: Bjørn Sigurdsøn / Scanpix
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You find it strange that Gaulin warns about networking.

– She actively participated in the Facebook group in support of Jan Bøhler, like me. It was also a network and part of the battle for the nomination, says Saghaug.

He emphasizes that Gaulin is a skilled politician and an important voice for Søndre Nordstrand.

– Kamzy says no

He is very happy that Kamzy Gunaratnam has been nominated for the position after Jonas Gahr Støre on the Storting list.

– Has strength and can tell clearly from. Maybe not everyone likes it. But we need them in politics. We need a clear voice from Groruddalen, says Saghaug.

ERNA-REFS: Jonas Gahr Støre believes that the government takes the challenges in the serious part of the car wash industry seriously. Reporter: Lars Martin Gimse / Video: Lars E claim Bones
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The Labor veteran also says greater openness and member democracy is needed in the county party.

– It may be that there is too small a group with too similar people who rule in the Oslo Labor Party, says Saghaug.

– When it became known that Jan Bøhler would not accept a new appointment, many of us made a cheerleading group for him. It was a completely open Facebook group, and without faction, although I received some messages that scared me, Gaulin responds.

– Kamzy hangs out

– The warnings have been lifted, they have been closed and Kamzy has not broken the guidelines or the statutes, says Mari Morken, who on behalf of the minority spoke for Gunaratnam at the nomination meeting.

74 million are gone

74 million are gone

– It should be safe to notify, but also safe to be notified. When it is now known that there have been warnings against Kamzy, she is left out anyway. Criticisms of culture should be addressed internally, at the supervisory board, at the annual meeting or similar. I have not realized that Sarah Gaulin has done that.

– I do not recognize at all that you have to stay inside with Kamzy to get a position. “I’ve supported her and haven’t supported her to get positions before and we’ve still always had a factual tone,” says Morken of Alna’s home team.

Kamzy Gunaratnam writes in a message that he does not want to comment on the case.
