Warn Nordland – Three warnings for Bodø today


In Nordland, 70 to 100 millimeters of precipitation can fall as of Saturday night, according to meteorologists on Twitter.

Rise again

Otherwise, yesterday’s gale warning remains in effect, until 9 AM on Friday. Then it is replaced with a new one:

As of 11 a.m. on Friday, the danger increases again for the coast and the sea, with the consequence that the waves become high and that it is dangerous to go out in a small boat.

The rough seas and white foam are expected to break the wave crests.

Overnight through Friday and overnight through Saturday, a heavy rain hazard warning also applies. This also includes a landslide warning.

– Keep up

The groundwater level and the degree of water saturation in the soil are high. Steep slopes as well as flowing streams and rivers are particularly vulnerable. Landslides have a long range and can descend to the bottom of the valley even if triggered high in the ground, the warning indicates.

People are advised to keep informed about the evolution of the weather, the situation of landslides and floods, and to follow the weather radar. You should also stay away from steep slopes, as well as streams and rivers with high water flow. Finally, the following encouragement also comes: Keep gutters, drinking troughs, and other waterways free of gravel, trash, twigs, and leaves. Waterways clogged with dammed water can cause landslides.

All three (four) warnings are yellow, signifying moderate danger. They apply to Sandnessjøen – Lødingen (wind), Nordland (heavy rain) and parts of northern Norway (landslides), respectively. They all appear when you check yr.no for Bodø.

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Screenshot of the year.
