Warn Nordland – Doctor’s Office Closed – Corona Infection Detected in Employee


On the afternoon of the first day of Christmas, Avisa Nordland announced that the Hamarøy Township Emergency Room was closed and the townspeople should go to the Steigen Township Emergency Room if necessary.

Now it turns out that the reason for the closure is an employee of the doctor’s office who has been diagnosed with coronary disease.

– The person in question is isolated. All other employees in the doctor’s office are considered close contacts and are therefore in quarantine, the municipality states on its website.

You must send sms to patients

Therefore, two people are registered infected with corona in Hamarøy as of December 25.

Hamarøy Municipality Mayor Britt Kristoffersen is eager to reach out to the information when Avisa Nordland contacts her on the first day of Christmas.

– It’s a very serious situation, he says.

– Now the most important thing is that we reach our citizens with information. There will also be text messages for patients who have visited the doctor’s office.

– Test personnel assistance

On the Hamarøy municipality website, everyone who has been in the doctor’s office since December 14 is encouraged to get in touch to get tested.

– Work is now under way to reallocate resources and launch test staff assistance with the help of the Bodø municipality. Testing will take place in the testing booth outside the doctor’s office at Oppeid. This must be agreed, don’t show up without an agreement. The test phone 477 66 557 is staffed by kl. 8.00 to kl. 15.30, the municipality writes on its website.

Mayor Britt Kristoffersen also says the township also receives assistance from the National Institute of Public Health.

– We appreciate the help of all who assist us, writes the municipality in the press release.
