Walmart Removes Guns from Shelves Ahead of Presidential Election – E24


But customers will still have the opportunity to purchase pistols and ammunition.

Gene J. Puskar / AP


In the run-up to the US presidential election, department store giant Walmart decided to temporarily remove ammunition and guns from store shelves, several US media write.

– We have seen certain social unrest, as we have done on several occasions in recent years. As a precaution against the safety of employees and customers, we removed our weapons and ammunition from the sales floor, Walmart said in a statement to Bloomberg.

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No date has been set for the weapons to return to the store, according to CNN.

– These items will still be possible to buy for customers, continues the chain of department stores.

The decision comes after violent demonstrations in Philadelphia in recent days. People have taken to the streets after two Philadelphia police officers shot and killed a 27-year-old black man on Monday.

The man, who did not drop a knife he was holding, was bipolar, something they are said to have told police when they arrived at the scene. His family is said to have called the police and the health service several times the same day, according to CNN.

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Strong increase in arms sales

Walmart has also previously chosen to remove guns from store shelves. Last summer, the weapons were put into storage after the violent demonstrations following the murder of George Floyd.

Arms sales in the United States have risen sharply since the New Year. As of September inclusive, an estimated 29 million guns have been sold, which is more than in all of 2019. This according to the FBI database for background checks on gun sales, which is considered to be the best estimates. available for total gun sales in the country, writes NBC News.
