Wage party at Oslo school – New layoffs:


At least ten people from the Oslo Education Agency have resigned in recent months.

This is confirmed by the agency to Dagbladet on Wednesday night.

The ten worked with the development of pedagogical competencies. The last of these layoffs occurred last week.

Sources close to the agency tell Dagbladet that there are far more layoffs than the Education Agency reports.

These recent layoffs are expected to be the topic when Education Director Marte Gerhardsen is due to appear for a hearing today after a series of revelations at Dagbladet recently.

SMS alarm rang: - Sensational

The alarm sounded in SMS: – Sensational

In armor

Oslo city council politicians are upset about the new layoffs at the controversial agency.

– This is the result of the reform of the Oslo school town hall. The success factors of the Oslo school are gradually being destroyed. First, the employees of the Learning Environment Team stopped protesting and now it is happening with another important group. Then the city council slashes school budgets. Principals and teachers have voiced their concerns for two years, but nothing is wrong, Mehmet Kaan Inan of the Conservative Party tells Dagbladet.

ANSWER: Mehmet Kaan Inan in Oslo Høyre is upset about the new layoffs at the Oslo school.

ANSWER BACK: Mehmet Kaan Inan from the Oslo Conservative Party is upset about the new layoffs at the Oslo school.
see more

Hallstein Bjercke in the Liberal Party is also upset:

– This is a crisis for the Oslo school. It can almost appear that Mars Gerhardsen has cared more about the salaries of its directors than about retaining its employees. For the second time in less than half a year, we learn that the Education Agency is losing critical competence. The leadership obviously has no control and I fear this will have serious consequences for the quality of education our students receive, he tells Dagbladet.

NRK sketch created baluba school

NRK sketch created baluba school

Hearing after the Dagbladet cases

Five hours are set aside for debriefing School Councilor Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV) and Education Director Marte Gerhardsen about the pay party and principal appointments, as well as the use of American leadership training, scouts and consultants.

The text messages between Thorkildsen and Gerhardsen also caused a stir, among other things, when the two feared a major teacher strike after the Dagbladet revelations. These are also expected to be topics during the hearing.

– The Oslo school loses important employees who have been behind the best school in Norway. Now the Oslo school is being destroyed little by little, summarizes Kaan Inan of the Conservative Party about the layoffs that Dagbladet can now report.

30 directors with millions of salary: - Spraying

30 directors with millions of salary: – Spraying

– Must stop now

Hallstein Bjercke cautions that Dagbladet’s disclosure about the new layoffs will be addressed during the hearing.

– At the hearing, the director and the council must give very good answers. My clear demand for both of them is that the riots around the Oslo school must end now, says Bjercke.

Inga Marte Thorkildsen tells Dagbladet that she doesn’t want to comment on the layoffs.

Merciless Verdict: - A Battlefield

Merciless Verdict: – A Battlefield

Salary match, directors and coaching

During the fall, Dagbladet demonstrated how the level of director has risen at Norway’s largest municipal agency.

All the principals at the Oslo school have a salary of one million, and several of them have received solid salary increases outside of the salary agreement this fall. The salaried party has been publicly justified with changes in the areas of responsibility, but in the SMS it seems that considerations on equal pay are also the basis.

After weeks of revelations about pay spreads, American leadership training, and expensive use of consultancies, Dagbladet was also able to report that the Oslo school is the weakest in the country in recent school contribution indicators.
