– Vladimir the Poison – VG


Vladimir Putin’s most troublesome critic is sitting in the dock in Moscow. Alexei Navalny (44) is at risk of being locked up for several years.


One person has been jailed for intimidating millions, the opposition leader said in his statement to the court Tuesday afternoon.

Police from the rebellion broke an iron ring around Moscow’s main district court when the court opened a case against Russia’s top opposition politician Tuesday morning.

235 people have been arrested today by special forces, reports the OVD-info website.

Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the president will not attend the hearing. Putin’s spokeswoman is furious that diplomats from 20 Western countries are present in court.

– Is this an attempt at psychological pressure on the judge? Asks Maria Zakharova.

The prison authorities have requested that the conditional sentence of three and a half years be commuted to that of prison, because Alexei Navalny has violated the duty to report.

Navalny responds that he was unable to report because he gathered forces after being attacked by the military neurotoxin Novitsjok during a trip home.

In court Tuesday, the 44-year-old man said he has investigated the attempted murder of himself.

– We show that it was Putin who made this assassination attempt. And then the little thief sitting in his bunker went crazy, Navalny said in his explanation, adding:

– Putin will go down in history as a poisoner. Vladimir the poisoner.

Ten months under house arrest

He has been detained since January 17, when he returned home from Germany.

IN COURT: Opposition politician Alexei Navalny in Moscow this morning. Photo: Moscow Municipal Court / AFP

Navalny’s defense attorney, Olga Mikhailova, told reporters during a court recess that she believes Judge Natalya Repnikova will issue her ruling today.

Navalny has already served ten months under house arrest.

His regular lawyer Olga Mikhailova, as well as Vadim Kobzev, are his defenders.

The defendants began by presenting evidence that Navalny was in a hospital in Berlin. He was seriously ill when he was transferred to Germany for treatment in August last year.

Denies the poison attack

The opposition leader has accused the FSB security force of being behind the poison attack.

Putin has denied this, stating that “if we had been behind, we would have done the job.”

DEFENDANT: Alexei Navalny in conversation with his regular lawyer Olga Mikhailova during the court hearing on Tuesday. Photo: Moscow Municipal Court / AFP

In court, defense attorney Vadim Kobzev said Navalny would have appeared to register the following Monday, had he not been arrested at the Moscow airport on Sunday (January 17).

You were required to register on the first and third Monday of each month.

– Medical certificate not approved

A representative of the prison service said Navalny has violated the terms of the suspended sentence more than 50 times.

It also happened before the hospital stay in Germany, according to the representative, who said they did not know where Navalny was since September 24, 2020.

The day before, the 44-year-old man was released from the Berlin hospital.

ON GUARD: The OMON task force is guarding the courthouse in Moscow during Tuesday’s court hearing. Photo: MAXIM SHIPENKOV / EPA

Aleksandr Jermolin, a representative of the prison service, admitted to the court that they received an address of the hotel in Germany where Navalny was staying after the hospital stay.

He added that they did not try to contact him, since they can only operate in Russian territory, and emphasized that it is Navalny who must contact them.

– You did not know?

Navalny asked Jermolin if he respected Putin. The judge said it was irrelevant, but Navalny continued:

– He says he didn’t know where he was after August. The country’s president said he was in the hospital. You didn’t know why are you standing here saying I wasn’t home? Of course it wasn’t.

Jermolin said the prison service did not receive documents giving a valid reason for not attending.

– The case is manufactured

After a break, Alexei Navalny appeared in court.

-It has already been established that this case has been manufactured, said the 44-year-old.

This morning, the defenders presented a statement from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), in which they affirm that the trials against Navalny are politically motivated.

Navalny accuses Vladimir Putin of being behind his poisoning.

– Their only way to fight is to kill. I insulted him by surviving, after they tried to kill me on his orders.

Reveals corruption

Alexei Navalny, the lawyer turned politician, has become known across Russia for his corruption revelations on social media about property and the enormous wealth of the elite.

SPEAKER: Alexei Navalny speaks during a political meeting in Moscow in July 2019. Photo: Pavel Golovkin / TT NEWS AGENCY

Across Russia, tens of thousands have demonstrated for the release of the opposition leader. More than 5,000 were arrested during the demonstrations on Sunday.

Western leaders have expressed concern over the arrests and supported the demand for their release.

also read

Navalny risks jail: – It is difficult to see that anyone can take his position

High-profile Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova writes on Facebook that nearly 20 embassies are represented in the courtroom, including the United States and the United Kingdom.

– Putin is not following the case

– It is not only an interference in the affairs of a sovereign state, but also shows the desire of the West to rule Russia. Or is it an attempt to put psychological pressure on the judge? Zakharova asks according to Mediazona.

Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told Regnum that the president was not following the trial, but was preparing for a meeting with Russian professors.

The trial and the demonstrations in support of the opposition leader overshadow Russia’s visit to the Vice President of the European Commission, Josep Borell, starting Thursday.

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday that Russia is interested in normalizing relations with the EU and says that Russia will do everything possible to achieve it.
