Violent riots in Malmö – NRK Urix – Foreign News and Documentaries


Violent riots broke out in the southern Swedish city of Malmö on Friday night after a Koran was allegedly burned.

Around 300 people gathered in the Rosengård district. They threw stones and burning objects into the air and set cars and tires on fire. According to SVT, a magnet is said to have tried to calm the mood.

SVT writes that several people have been arrested.

– We have between 10 and 20 people detained. Some are suspected of a crime, police duty officer Thomas Söderberg tells SVT.

Malmö Police

Several police and rescue service cars are said to have been damaged as a result of the riots.

Photo: TT News Agency / / AFP

The riots escalated around midnight, but the situation calmed down at 03:00 on Saturday night, according to police. They are now in control of the situation and the cleanup of the area has begun.

Brant Quran

The riots began around 7:30 p.m. on Friday night. Several eyewitnesses SVT has spoken to have said that those who participated in the riots were very angry.

Throw burning objects at police in Malmö

Throw burning objects at the police in Malmö.

Photo: – / AFP

In advance, the Danish right-wing extremist party Tight Course had announced that they would burn the Koran on Friday. But Stram’s course leader Rasmus Paludan was denied permission to hold a meeting in the square under the slogan “Islamization in the Nordic countries.”

Paludan was also detained at the border and denied entry to Sweden for the next two years. Police believe he poses a serious threat.

Rasmus Paludan

Rasmus Paludan has made it his trademark to burn the Quran during his demonstrations. Last year, he created the Stram Kurs party to participate in the Danish general elections, but did not get enough votes for a seat in parliament.

Photo: Nikolai Linares / NTB scanpix

Rasmus Paludan supporters

Someone else from Tight Course, on the other hand, burned the Quran and filmed it all. This is said to have spread on social media, and according to SVT, many of those now involved in the riots have reacted strongly to the fact that the police did not intervene when the Quran was burned.

In another part of Malmö, there was another Islamophobic demonstration, in which three people were arrested for inciting to kick and destroy a Koran.

Both demonstrations are seen as a reaction to Rasmus Paludans’ refusal to enter Sweden.


It also burned in various places in the city, and many cars caught fire. The police were reluctant to provide information. They weren’t sure if all of these fires had a connection.

Among other things, there must have been a fire in an underground garage in Rosengård.

– It is too early to say if there is a connection between all this, Lundqvist told Aftonbladet.

Wounded police officers

Following an attack on the police, several police cars are said to have headed towards the protesters. Several police and rescue service cars have been damaged.

SVT writes that on occasion the police have not been seen.

– We’re present. We make tactical considerations. Even if we are not visible, it does not mean that we are not there, says Rickard Lundqvist.

The police have no information on the injured people who were in the area. In addition to her own policemen.

– On the other hand, we have several slightly injured policemen, says Söderberg.


Several imams in Malmö have distanced themselves from the violent riots and on Facebook, among others, writes Samir Muric:

– Threw the towel. I have nothing to do with these people. I’m ashamed. The Swedish people don’t deserve it.

The youth of Malmö

Many young people are in the streets and the images are on fire.

Photo: TT News Agency / / AFP
