Violent demonstration of covid-19 in London


Several protesters and police officers on Saturday afternoon, Norwegian was swarming with health personnel after violent clashes broke out at a rally in London’s Trafalgar Square, Sky News writes.

Thousands of people have gathered to protest the closures and assembly bans that have been introduced to slow the spread of the disease in the country, which has skyrocketed in recent days.

– I understand there is great frustration associated with the rules, but they are made to keep people safe from a deadly virus, says police spokesperson Ade Adelakan.

Almost double those infected in England

Almost double those infected in England

Have warned

London police warned protesters that they too must follow infection control rules. Before the demonstration, they came out and said they would try to talk to people and explain the background and the importance of them.

FALLING: Apparently a woman is pushed by police officers and falls to the ground. Photo: Justin Tallis / AFP / NTB
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They would take stronger action if the message didn’t get through to them, they emphasized.

Images from the scene show Norwegian time on Saturday afternoon and the atmosphere between protesters and deployed police officers. One protester bleeds from the head, while another, a woman, is apparently pushed away and ends up on the ground.

HAS WARNED: Prime Minister Boris Johnson has previously said that there is little doubt that there will be a new wave of corona infections in the UK. Video: AP
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-Er lei

Speakers at Saturday’s rally deny they are conspiracy theorists, saying they fight for freedom of expression and human rights.

– We are tired of the intimidating propaganda and the misrepresentation of the facts. We are tired of our freedom being restricted, said one of the speakers, Dan Astin-Gregory. He acknowledges that the pandemic has caused death and suffering, but believes that the measures are not in line with the threat.

In recent days, the UK has recorded the highest infection rates in history. On Friday, 6,874 new cases were reported. Government infection control experts have warned that there could be up to 50,000 new COVID-19 cases per day by mid-October if the situation does not improve.

So far, almost 42,000 deaths related to covid-19 have been registered in the country and more than 423,000 cases have been registered.
