(Vinmono) political fight: Høie and Ropstad make fun of Siv via SMS


If you buy post wine online, you can avoid long lines and contribute to the work of the crown by staying home.

But the authorities only allow you to pick up the drinks during the hours the post is open, even if the post office has longer opening hours.

Therefore, it is impossible to pick up a package from the post at the post office after 6pm Monday through Friday and after 4pm on Saturday. It is also not possible to pick up a package from the post before 10 am, nor on Sundays.

– Completely nonsensical rule

Siv Jensen blames KrF. She is frustrated by the lack of common sense in the ruling party.

– This is a completely nonsensical rule. You can buy polar items online 24 hours a day, but only pick them up by mail at a store during the pole’s opening hours. Create unnecessary trouble for people in the Christmas spirit, he tells Dagbladet.

– I can go to the store and buy beer until 8pm, but I can’t get beer off the pole after 6pm. It’s silly, continue.

- She pretended not to know

– She pretended not to know

– Completely powder

The FRP leader meets Dagbladet at his local stand at a store on Nordstrand in Oslo. This afternoon, a queue quickly forms, in part because many people will be picking up packages at the post office.

But customers who have a bottle of wine waiting cannot turn around and return later in the evening to avoid large crowds.

They have to line up well.

– In general, this rule is completely stupid, but it only gets worse when the country is also in a situation where the authorities ask people to pick up packages at the post office outside of peak hours for infection reasons, Jensen says.

– Here, KrF’s alcohol principles override common sense and, furthermore, create long queues where the infection can potentially spread, he says.

Keeps text messages secret: - Shocking

Keeps text messages secret: – Shocking

Cheer up

Jensen points out that not everyone has a home office, and that people in the districts like to take a long trip to the local post office.

– My call to the government is that something be done about it as soon as possible.

– Is KrF likely to be afraid that you will drink more if you can get alcohol from the post 24 hours a day?

– This is not an argument. People don’t drink anymore for that reason. If you have a bottle of wine at home, drink it. Here, the government must be a little practical and abolish a completely desperate rule.

Two Lan consultants can cost 56 million

Two Lan consultants can cost 56 million

Joked by SMS

Jensen has previously criticized the government for not wanting to extend the post’s opening hours before Christmas to avoid queues. She thought that the abstainers in KrF had complained about the victory internally in the government.

Jensen’s prayer for rule changes for polar items in the mail is also not heard.

Dagbladet has gained access to text messages in the middle KrF leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad and Health Minister Bent Høie (H). Here, the FRP leader is teased for his involvement in the alcohol debate.

Høie and Ropstad tease Siv by SMS

«Hey Bent! Siv complains that KrF has complained and is willing not to extend the pole opening hours. Could you also put a padlock on the entrances to the post? Otherwise, we will be angry! Greetings KrF»Writes Ropstad to the Minister of Health.

KrF leader throws three heart emojis at the end.

«It’s okay as long as you don’t get mad then», Høie replies, who is content with a heart in return.

– Stores do a great job of preventing the spread of infections. Vinmonopolet has been one of the best in its class to ensure infection control and good organization of its stores. Their website shows, among other things, “green times” with smaller people, which risk groups they can use. It is important. And then of course we have to keep a close eye on the development and adjust the measurements as needed, Kjell Ingolf Ropstad tells Dagbladet.

– This is not about “whining” by KrF. Here, Frp must ditch the blinders! The government has carried out a comprehensive assessment of the situation. We believe that grocery and service industry employees deserve a thank you and a Christmas break after a great effort in a demanding situation. They also put themselves at risk of infection, he continues.

Jensen has seen the SMS exchange and is not very impressed.

– I have no need to comment on it, says the FRP leader to Dagbladet.
