– Very serious


On Tuesday, 15 new cases of infection were registered in Trondheim. On Sunday, the figure hit a record 64 and the municipality believes today’s numbers are just a snapshot and that the numbers will continue to rise.

The municipality has recorded several breaches of isolation duty and quarantine duty over Christmas, and in a press release Monday, the Trondheim municipality also stated that two of those infected refuse to inform the monitoring team of infections with who have been in contact.

The Deputy Minister of Health, Espen Nakstad, reacts strongly to this.

A new infection record is expected: - Significantly worsened

A new infection record is expected: – Significantly worsened

– Very serious

The one who broke the isolation went to a party where he infected several of the participants and has been denounced for it.

As Dagbladet understands it, this person must be one of the two who also refuses to say who he has been in contact with.

When asked by Dagbladet about the severity of these incidents, Nakstad says that in the worst case, this can have major consequences.

– It’s very serious. We have also observed outbreaks in other municipalities that this has happened. It is clear that this can have important consequences for others than for yourself. It is defined as a generally dangerous infectious disease and can have consequences if older people become infected and are hospitalized.

He emphasizes that not contributing to the effective detection of infections and not knowing where you have been and who may have been infected is very serious. Therefore, he understands well that the municipality reacts to this, since it makes the work of monitoring infections very difficult.

Racing to the New Years holidays

Racing to the New Years holidays

“Very serious”

– Do you think this should have consequences?

– It is possible to fine those who violate the quarantine rules, and you follow those things closely, Nakstad tells Dagbladet.

Helge Garåsen, Tronheim Municipality Health and Welfare Director, describes these offenses as “very serious”.

However, it has been decided that one person should not be reported, while the other is in another municipality, and therefore it is up to them what happens next here.

Mayor Rita Ottervik tells Dagbladet that the police will help if there are problems for people to contribute information.

Mutations that FHI monitors

Mutations that FHI monitors

She emphasizes that there is no reason to withhold information for the infection tracking team, and that it only puts additional strain on the infection trackers. You also know that nearby municipalities have had similar problems.

Nakstad emphasizes that work is underway at both the municipal and national levels on how to best handle it, in case this becomes a major problem in the future.

“Fortunately, most people say who they have been with when the infection tracking team calls them, and we hope we don’t have to see any more of this,” Nakstad told Dagbladet.

It also emphasizes that by reducing the number of infections in society, more resources can be used for vaccination.
