Venstre-topp was a meeting solver for First House clients


A review by VG has revealed that at least 15 of the 23 clients current Secretary of State Anne Solsvik had while still working as a communications advisor in the First House, requested meetings or raised issues with the ministries that the Liberal Party has in government.

To the newspaper, Solsvik will not answer if he had a special responsibility to clients who wanted to influence the Liberal Party. On October 5, she left the First House to go to work as Secretary of State to Liberal Party leader Guri Melby at the Ministry of Education.

– I trust where Anne Solsvik has her loyalty

Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø and Climate and Environment Minister Sveinung Rotevatn say they were unaware that Solsvik had these companies as clients. Melby, the party leader, says he trusts his secretary of state.

– What kind of evaluation does First House do when it distributes clients and ministries and stuff, they almost come to answer. That is not me. What matters to me is whether I trust where Anne Solsvik has her loyalty after she was hired by me, and I’m very confident that she has her loyalty to the Liberal Party and the government, and not to any clients, says Melby.
