Vedum asks Jensen to stop the “games to create posts”:


A reserved Siv Jensen says she will be contacting Trygve Slagsvold Vedum this week.

– There are Frp games. They have burned to centralize Norway, forcibly merging counties and raising taxes, Vedum told TV 2.

The SP leader believes that Frp is more concerned with games than problems.

– Those of us in the Storting are not there for ourselves, but to improve people’s daily lives!

– What do you think Siv Jensen will invite you to join?

– I’m afraid it’s just a game instead of talking about a case. These are problems. Neither Siv Jensen nor Trygve Slagsvold Vedum.

– FRP is a support party

He is absolutely sure that the FRP will agree the budget with the government.

– FRP is the government support party. They have a majority with the government. Siv Jensen sits down and starts doing work for people. That is why we are at the Storting.

– I think the budget negotiations are characterized by warnings and many crises, but it is a common destiny between Erna Solberg and Siv Jensen. In the end, they agree, Vedum says.

He asks Jensen to stop “playing for news.”


On Saturday night, Siv Jensen was re-elected as FRP leader for two new years. He does not want to elaborate on what he should tell Vedum.

– When will he hear from you?

– You’ll have to find out.

– Why are you so cryptic?

– No, I’ll go back to that. When I get back to that.

– Is it a budget?

– You and the rest of Norway will find out when I return to Trygve Slagsvold Vedum.

– He says he doesn’t want to cooperate with you. Isn’t this just a game of yours for the gallery?

– You’ll have to wait to see what comes to me, I think, says Jensen.
