US Presidential Election: This is Biden’s crown team


He declared victory, thanked the trust and called for solidarity rather than division. Then US President-elect Joe Biden quickly turned his attention to the corona pandemic, which in the United States alone has claimed nearly 250,000 lives.

NEW PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: America has spoken, Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. He had this to say on the podium after the victory.
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In the speech he delivered on Sunday night Norwegian time, his first speech as newly elected president, he promised to form a group of experts who will be in charge of advising him in the fight against the virus.

Biden is expected to name the leaders of this group on Monday, but it is almost clear who the newly elected president of the United States will target.

Republican victoryRepublican leadershipEquallyDemocratic leadershipDemocratic victoryNo data / unclearLast update: 09.11.2020 11:44Source: DDHQ

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voting votes

Biden (north%)

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Trump (north%)

north votes

Three leaders

Biden’s crown team will consist of a total of twelve members and will be led by a total of three people, according to the New York Times.

These are expected to be appointed managers:

They all have in common that they stood up for Joe Biden when he organized the so-called corona pandemic remarks during the election campaign.

FAR: President Donald Trump appeared in public for the first time since election night. Photo: AP
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Different crown messages

And Biden’s election campaign, like that of American and global society in general, was largely marked by the pandemic.

The public meetings that Biden organized were reduced in number and greatly reduced in scope, in keeping with infection control considerations, and in contrast to the massive Donald Trump public gatherings in which thousands of supporters participated.

Biden also made Trump’s handling of the pandemic his top problem, launching scathing criticism of the president’s handling week after week.

As a campaign issue, the crown pandemic was also one of the biggest, if not the most important, issues of the year for American voters.

TWO WORLDS: While Joe Biden is careful about infection control rules during his election campaign, the situation is completely different at Donald Trump’s public gatherings. Video / Photo: NTB / AP
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– Acute problem

American expert Hilmar Mjelde, a researcher at the Norce research center in Bergen, has no doubt why Biden is already taking action.

– This is the most serious problem he has to deal with, says Mjelde to Dagbladet.

He adds:

– Biden was elected on the promise of more competent crisis leadership. Now you have to show concretely what that means and implement a clear plan, Mjelde tells Dagbladet.

The group’s task is to come up with a plan for Biden that he can implement again the day he is installed as president, Biden said in his speech Sunday night.

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This he can do

Tackling the pandemic is also a task that Biden can do with the power that the presidency gives him, explains Mjelde.

– You can get away with it to a great extent without Congress, when you take office, says Mjelde.

Because while Democrats are likely to regain a majority in the House of Representatives, one of the two houses of Congress, the situation is still unclear in the other house: the Senate.

RETURNED: A 2016 Twitter message from Donald Trump became vital again after the election results were released. Video: AP / Dagbladet TV
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Today, Republicans have a majority in the Senate, and after last week’s election, Democrats and Republicans have the same number of representatives: 48.

But as president, that is, head of the executive branch of power in the United States, Biden can still do a lot on his own initiative, explains Mjelde.

– May direct relevant ministries and agencies to redouble their efforts and coordinate with states. Not least, you can convey a clear message to the country and mobilize for charity. Such crisis communication has been totally absent under Trump, says the American expert.
