US Presidential Election, Joe Biden |


Joe Biden declined to respond, but promises responses to voters before Election Day.

Both President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden tried to dodge tough questions when asked on a wall at their respective public meetings Thursday night.

See video above: Here Biden Refuses to Answer

While Trump was pressured by NBC moderator Savannah Guthrie in a Miami television studio, Biden was questioned by ABC moderator George Stephanopoulos in Philadelphia.

Biden often had time to answer questions that were asked at length and in detail. He once again confronted his position on the issue of “court packaging.”

In other words, expand the number of Supreme Court justices. Now that Trump has nominated Amy Coney Barret as the new Supreme Court justice, Republicans are likely to win an overwhelming majority of six conservative judges to three liberal justices.

Also read: Trump refuses to do what Bush: – It is very shameful for the United States

Everything is set for the Senate, which has a Republican majority, to approve Barret as the new Supreme Court Justice now that the hearings ended this week.

Therefore, more democratic forces want to expand the number of justices to achieve a broader balance between liberal and conservative Supreme Court justices.

– Dishonest and unsustainable

Biden still refused to give an unequivocal answer to what he will do with the Supreme Court if the next president of the United States is elected.

– I’m not a supporter (of the court packing editor’s note), but it depends on the outcome. Not how he wins, but how he handles himself, Biden said, referring to how Republicans have organized a hearing in a short time so they can approve Barret as soon as possible.

Biden justified the hesitation by saying he would not give a solid answer just yet, because that answer would grace the headlines tomorrow and thus shift the focus away from other important issues, such as how Republicans handle judging selection.

However, Biden promised that voters would get a final answer before Election Day on November 3.

– It is dishonest and untenable on Biden’s part that he does not want to say whether he agrees with expanding the US Supreme Court, which is a broad and important issue in the US, says the research center’s lead investigator NORCE, Hilmar Mjelde, to Nettavisen.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Joe Biden said during the rally that his position on the issue of expanding the United States Supreme Court will depend on how the Senate handles Amy Coney Barrett's nomination for Trump.

Joe Biden said during the rally that his position on the issue of expanding the United States Supreme Court will depend on how the Senate handles Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination for Trump.
Photo: Jim Watson (AFP)

– No senile pensioner

The Trump campaign has long sought to brand Biden, 77, as a cognitively weak presidential candidate. Mjelde thinks Biden had a good figure at Thursday’s public meeting.

– Biden was strong on content. It doesn’t appear to be the group of senile retirees that Trump is trying to portray. On the contrary, Biden has improved and is performing more evenly the further we go through the election campaign. This is not unique to Biden, but something we often see in American presidential campaigns. Rusty candidates get hot in the shirt, says Mjelde.

Also read: Obama gets closer to Trump fake news

– Biden appears as the older statesman America seems to want now. He tries to be a kind of American version of the famous German chancellor Konrad Adenauer, says Mjelde.

Adenauer was the first chancellor of Germany and led the reconstruction of West Germany.

– Aggressive and quarrelsome

Trump’s performance was a stark contrast to Biden’s performance. At times, the president was aggressive and unsympathetic to interrogator Savannah Guthrie.

Among other things, Trump refused to condemn the strange QAnon conspiracy theory.

– You could say that Trump squandered the opportunity to win over independent voters. Because he was aggressive, quarrelsome, told falsehoods and all that, says Mjelde.

– But Trump will never be anyone other than who he is, and he will not pretend either. And that is why it seems that he loses the elections, because the majority of Americans want to return to normalcy, you have to believe the polls, says Mjelde.

For the first time, Trump said publicly that he would recognize a peaceful transfer of power if he lost the November 3 election. However, he still casts doubt on the legitimacy of the elections, noting in particular the many mail-in ballots that are cast for the sake of infection control measures.

Click the pic to enlarge.  President Donald Trump came under heavy pressure from NBC host Savannah Guthrie during Thursday's rally.

President Donald Trump came under heavy pressure from NBC host Savannah Guthrie during Thursday’s rally.
Photo: Evan Vucci (AP)

– Fear of the pandemic

Additionally, Trump was hard-pressed to deal with the pandemic. More than 222,000 people have died from covid-19 in the United States. Roughly 800 Americans died of COVID-19 on the same day the demonstrations took place.

– Was there any of them who managed to convince and move the voters to them, Mjelde?

– In that case, it had to be Biden. Elections in which a sitting president stands for re-election are a referendum on the efforts and merits of the president. All the signals I receive indicate that the United States is concerned about who can lift the country out of the pandemic nightmare. Voters are scared of the pandemic, but Trump is simply not taking the pandemic seriously. Trump’s “lighthearted talk” about the pandemic is like a political ad from Biden, says Mjelde.

Also read: The probability of winning predicted by Donald Trump is exactly the same as at the same time in 2016

The second of a total of three planned presidential debates was canceled because Trump would not meet with Biden in a virtual debate.

Thus, the canceled presidential debate was replaced by the two public meetings or Town Hall meetings. The intent is for the American people to become better acquainted with the people who are running for president.
