Unresolved infection situation in Steinkjer – all organized leisure activities canceled – NRK Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio


Steinkjer in Trøndelag is one of several municipalities that have so far had little infection.

Now they are experiencing a boom. This weekend, five people infected with the corona were registered and the situation with the spread of the infection is unclear. Therefore, crisis management at Steinkjer has introduced immediate measures:

  • Visiting stops will be introduced at all nursing homes.
  • All organized leisure activities are canceled.
  • Kulturskulen moves teaching to digital platforms
  • The school cancels all physical meetings and parent meetings

Sign outside the Leutenhaven test station in Trondheim.  The signs indicate, among other things, sampling for Koronavirus.  A guard in a yellow vest stands outside the entrance.

TIME TRIP: Corona infection is spreading in larger cities. There have been 93 new cases in Oslo, 64 in Bergen and 15 in Trondheim in the last 24 hours.

Photo: Kirsti Kringstad / NRK

Highest infection rate since March

Trondheim is also experiencing a virus boom. Over the weekend, 38 new infections were detected in Trondheim. On Sunday alone, 15 people were diagnosed with covid-19. This is the highest number of infections in the city since March.

– There is a clear increase this weekend, says the municipal chief doctor in Trondheim, Tove Røsstad.

In Trondheim, a crisis meeting has been called for Tuesday morning on the status of the crown.

Much of the infection that has been detected in the city comes from abroad or from Oslo. The municipal superintendent is not surprised.

She has also been waiting for the numbers in Trondheim to increase.

– We are not surprised when we see how development is in Europe. There is a steep climb. This has also been the case in central parts of Austland and the Bergen area in recent weeks, says Røsstad.

Tove Røsstad

LOTS OF INFECTION: Trondheim’s municipal chief doctor, Tove Røsstad, says that there is infection control and that the municipality is closely monitoring the infection.

Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / NRK

64 new in Bergen

In the last 24 hours, there have been 304 new coronary diseases in Norway. 93 of them are from Oslo.

Bergen registered 64 new cases on Monday. Among the new cases in the last 24 hours, up to ten have an unknown transmission route. A couple of cases are import infections.

Among those infected in Bergen is also an employee of the Kolstihagen nursing home. There are eight patients and four employees in quarantine.

Sunniva Rognerud

INFECTION FROM FOREIGNERS: According to Steinkjer Municipal Chief Medical Officer Sunniva Rognerud, the infection comes from foreign labor.

Photo: Tariq Alisubh / NRK

More infections in districts

The increase in infection in Steinkjer is not due to the increase in infection in Trondheim.

– The infection we have now comes not from Trondheim, but from foreign labor, says Steinkjer municipal doctor Sunniva Rognerud.

Additionally, he says they have requested a meeting with companies that they know use a lot of foreign labor to make sure they are following current infection control rules.

– Only on Wednesday we will have an answer on whether it is an infection that is increasing or if it is an infection over which we have control, says the municipal chief doctor Sunniva Rognerud.

Intense follow-up work

Nationally, there are more than sixty infected municipalities in Norway. Here, intensive work is done with testing and tracking infections. In case of more outbreaks, there will be even more work in the municipalities.

– There is a limit to the number of tests and detection of infections before losing control. And if they don’t, they lose control and the infection spreads more widely throughout society, Nakstad explains.


NOT CLEAR: The infection situation in Steinkjer is unclear, according to the municipality.

Photo: Tariq Alisubh / NRK

Control of infectious viruses

In mid-October, a new, more contagious coronary variant was discovered in Trondheim.

The virus that is now spreading in the city is not the same contagious virus, says the municipal superior.

– We believe we have rounded up the main outbreak with the slightly more infectious variant. It hasn’t been our new case there since Thursday. Those who have been diagnosed with an infection in the last week only have our close contacts, Røsstad says.

Much of the infection across the country comes from Polish workers coming to Norway. The National Institute of Public Health has tracked passenger infection on many flights from Poland in recent weeks. They confirm a growing trend of infection.

– We received a phone call from the test station at the border in Svinesund. Many of those who come by car, who are Polish employees or job seekers, test positive, says Røsstad.

Ørin accommodation

POLAND INFECTION: At Ørin’s accommodation on the outskirts of Kvaerner Verdal, four Polish workers are in isolation after testing positive for corona. All four arrived in Verdal on Friday.

Photo: E vivos Aabakken / NRK

Huge increase in Europe

In the last 24 hours, there have been 304 new coronary heart diseases in Norway. 93 of them are from Oslo, while Bergen registers 64 new cases.

If we look at our neighboring countries, every day more than 3,000 new infections are reported in Sweden and around 1,500 in Denmark.

– It is disturbing to look at Europe no. Many countries have between 20,000 and 30,000 cases of infection every day, says Deputy Director of Health Espen Nakstad.

He believes that the reason the infection has increased so rapidly is that many young people have infected each other in August and September.

– Young people are not sick enough to end up in hospital or get tested. The infection grows a little secret and suddenly you have a fairly large spread of the infection in society, says Nakstad.
