United States Presidential Election, Donald Trump |


– As is well known, a statement of error in Washington DC is when you are hurt for telling the truth, says Hilmar Mjelde.

White House President Donald Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows made a startling acknowledgment in an interview with CNN on Sunday.

While the president himself has warned that he will soon take control of the coronary pandemic and that a vaccine is likely just around the corner, Meadows openly said they will not control the pandemic.

“We are not going to take control of the pandemic,” Meadows told CNN’s State of the Union program.

– It is a contagious disease, like the flu, said the chief of staff.

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– Raise the white flag

Democratic challenger Joe Biden believes the White House has acknowledged defeat and is raising the white flag. Biden also says that Meadows’ remarks testify that the Trump administration “has renounced its fundamental duty to protect the American people.”

So far, 225,000 corona deaths have been confirmed in the United States. No other country has such high mortality rates. On Saturday, the United States had a daily record of 83,718 new detected cases of infection. The previous daily record was July 16 with 77,362 new cases of infection in one day.

There is no doubt that the corona pandemic is the biggest issue in the 2020 election campaign. With just over a week to Election Day, Trump has little positive news about the coronary.

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– Can slow down any tailwind

Principal Investigator Hilmar Mjelde at the NORCE Research Center says the Meadows statement could be potentially damaging to Trump.

– Possibly it can slow down the possible tail wind that Trump may have in the last week. In 2016, we saw that the election was decided by a voter walk in the direction of Trump at the last minute, Mjelde tells Nettavisen.

That said, there is hardly room for more factors to influence the outcome of this year’s election. The choice is what in political science is called “overdetermined”: there have been so many important events that individually can decide the choice. As is well known, a statement of error in Washington DC when you hurt yourself is telling the truth. Trump’s handling of the pandemic has been grossly flawed – it will go down in the history books as a flop in line with Herbert Hoover’s pre-Depression clumsiness, says Mjelde.

Hoover was president during the stock market crash of 1929, which would mark his entire presidency. He was not reelected.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Hilmar Mjelde is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Information and Media Studies at the University of Bergen.

Hilmar Mjelde follows the US elections with argumentative eyes.
Photo: Gerhard Flaaten

– Korona is immune to political pressure

Mjelde believes that Trump clearly lacks the political experience to be able to implement the necessary key measures that could limit the spread of the pandemic.

– Trump was specially prepared to face the pandemic crisis. The coronavirus is immune to political pressure, which is Trump’s main tactic for solving a problem. The United States had needed a determined statesman who knew how to establish America’s formidable federal state, and a president who would not leave the answer to the states, he says.

– Reagan wasn’t a statesman genius either. But he had the good sense to appoint a super-competent chief of staff, Jim Baker. Trump has never let his staff work fully, says Mjelde.

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Baker had worked for both Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. He was the campaign manager for the 1980 Bush senior nomination election, which he lost to Ronald Reagan. However, Reagan immediately appointed him Chief of Staff of the White House. Since then he has held ministerial positions under both Reagan and Bush senior.

Mark Meadows has served as a member of the House of Representatives from 2013 to 2020. He was considered Trump’s most loyal ally in Congress. He was appointed Chief of Staff of the White House in early 2020.
