Union leaders respond to dismissal of top union delegates – E24


The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions requests meetings with the security companies Securitas and Avarn, after the main union delegates were fired in the middle of the strike.

It’s important to us that those we buy services from play by the rules of the game in Norwegian working life, says union leader Frode Alfheim at Industri Energi after the main shop stewards of the striking guards were fired.

Jil Yngland / NTB


– It is absolutely shocking that we are seeing an alleged serious employer going after shop stewards on strike. I have no words, says Odd Haldgeir Larsen, deputy leader of the Union (LO) in Klassekampen.

The two main shop stewards of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions have been fired with 60 and 40 per cent of their posts, because 60 and 40 per cent of its members have gone on strike.

Both the Union and Industri Energi, both part of LO, have written letters to Securitas and Avarn, respectively, requesting a meeting with management. The union because they have a security agreement with Securitas at the headquarters in Oslo. Industry Energy because Avarn has been hired to be in charge of the guard at the prohibition building in Stavanger.

– We are a large employee organization and it is very important to us that those from whom we buy services follow the rules of the game in Norwegian working life, says union leader Frode Alfheim at Industri Energi to Klassekampen.

Both Avarn and Securitas have defended the use of layoffs.

also read

Security companies fire strike leaders
