Unidentified: – Suspicious


Police have previously called the “man in the hood”, who was caught on surveillance cameras on the day of the disappearance.

The man exits the Lørenskog ice rink parking lot and walks in the direction of Sloraveien 4, where Anne-Elisabeth Hagen disappeared on October 31, 2018.

The video recordings of the “hoodie” are part of a massive video footage, which counts almost 6,000 hours, and were obtained at an early stage of the investigation.

He wears what may look like a thin bubble jacket or outer jacket, wears gloves and wears a hood. It may also appear that your face is covered.

THE MOVEMENTS: This is the route that police believe the “hoodie” should have left on October 31, 2018. Video: Police / Google Maps
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The man is not yet identified, police say.

– Several investigative steps have been carried out to identify him, including reconstructions to discover the height of the man. Research results related to man’s height are unclear. Although there may be natural reasons why the man has not reported, police consider it suspicious that he has not contacted, says police inspector Agnes Beate Hemiø in a press release.

You have received 40 tips

You have received 40 tips

Examined 122 places

Police have mapped 122 different locations both in Norway and other countries in the search for Anne-Elisabeth Hagen.

The locations have been evaluated and prioritized with a view to the likelihood that Anne-Elisabeth Hagen could be there. The police have investigated several of these places in various ways.

– The main objective of the police remains to find out what happened to Anne-Elisabeth Hagen and who is responsible for her disappearance. The case is a high priority in the Eastern Police District, and we still have significant assistance from Kripos and other special agencies. Between 30 and 40 people are working on the case today, says the police inspector.

The disappearance of the garden: the relationship from the inside

The disappearance of the garden: the relationship from the inside

It was on October 31, 2018 when Anne-Elisabeth Hagen disappeared from her home in Sloraveien in Lørenskog. Her husband Tom Hagen (70) is charged with murder or complicity in murder.

In addition, a 32-year-old man, called the “cryptoman”, is charged with kidnapping and the police have accused a relative of Tom Hagen of influencing witnesses.

DEAR: The police want to contact this man in connection with the Lørenskog case. Video: Police
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Received help internationally

The police claim that the disappearance case from October 31, 2018 to date has cost NOK 26.1 million in additional expenses. Approximately NOK 7.1 million has been spent in 2020.

The Hagen family insist that Anne-Elisabeth has been kidnapped and has taken a hard line against the police investigation.

– The case is still being investigated extensively and a large number of hypothesis-independent investigation steps are underway. The murder hypothesis still appears to be the most likely, but the kidnapping hypothesis is not ruled out and we are still actively working on it, Hemiø says.

I think they have found new evidence

I think they have found new evidence

She emphasizes that the police’s top priority has always been to find Anne-Elisabeth Hagen, find out what happened to her and, if possible, hold the perpetrators accountable.

– Finding victims will provide important answers for the family and can also help carry out the investigation. Therefore, the police have spent a lot of resources looking for her. In the investigation, we have consulted with leading international experts in the search for victims in criminal cases.
