U.S. Supreme Court Justice Candidate Proposes Next Week


– We will have a candidate very soon. It will likely be a woman, she told reporters in Washington on Saturday.

Among those that Trump considers most relevant is probably Amy Coney Barrett (48). She is very popular with abortion opponents and was a favorite to become the new Supreme Court justice the last time a judge was appointed.

– I’m saving it for Ginsburg, Donald Trump said according to the Axios website at the time.

Amy Coney Barrett is a law professor and previously headed by conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

Barbara Lagoa and Allison Jones Rushing are also mentioned as possible candidates. Like Barrett, they are also judges who work in federal appeals courts.

Ginsburg, an icon of the American left and a staunch opponent of Trump, died on Friday, just a month and a half before the November election.

Conservative majority

The death gives Trump the opportunity to appoint his third Supreme Court justice and push the court in a clear conservative direction for decades to come.

Until Ginsburg’s death, the Supreme Court had five conservative justices and four liberal justices. If Trump appoints another Conservative judge, the Conservative majority will be six to three.

It also means that Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, who has been criticized by some Republicans for not being conservative enough, will no longer be on the ballot in court.

McConnell wants a vote

Trump’s candidate must be approved in the Senate, where Republicans have a majority.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, has made it clear that the Senate will vote before the November election.

Democrats believe Republicans should follow their own example from 2016, when they blocked a vote on Barack Obama’s candidate for the Supreme Court and signaled that it was an election year.

Collins: Wait until after the election

Although Republicans have a majority in the Senate at 53 to 47, it is still not certain that they will win the approval of Trump’s candidate.

Several moderate Republicans have said a new judge should not be appointed before the election, including Susan Collins, who is in the middle of an uphill battle for reelection in Maine. Cory Gardner of Colorado has also previously said that voting should be expected.

Others who are tense are Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who is a senator from Utah. The judges of the Supreme Court are for life.(Terms)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and / or our suppliers. We would like you to share our cases via a link, which leads directly to our pages. Copying or other use of all or part of the content can only be done with written permission or as permitted by law. For more terms, see here.
