Two Norwegians charged with attempted murder in Spain in 2018 – VG


SHOOTING INCIDENT: The two Norwegian citizens are charged with attempted murder after a shooting in Benidorm, Spain. Photo: Terje Bringedal

Two men in their 40s have been extradited to Spain following a shooting in Benidorm in the summer of 2018.

The Norwegian police have arrested two Norwegians and the Spanish police have asked to hand them over for attempted murder in Benidorm, Spain, in the summer of 2018. They are both men in their 40s and in pre-trial detention.

– The Spanish authorities have accused these of attempted murder, and this will be linked to an episode of shooting that took place in Spain in the summer of 2018, says the prosecutor Hanne Fauske in the Oslo police district to VG.

DOES NOT ACKNOWLEDGE CRIMINAL GUILTY: According to attorney Nils Christian Nordhus, his client pleads not guilty to attempted murder. Photo: Helge Mikalsen

Nils Christian Nordhus defends a man. He tells VG that the defendant does not admit criminal guilt to any part of the prosecution. The defender also describes it as “illegal process”.

– Despite the fact that this is more than two years ago, the Spanish authorities have not previously summoned him to participate in the process. My client was also in contact with the Norwegian police and prosecutors in 2019 in order to say that he was willing to cooperate and contribute to the case.

So the man, according to Nordhus, wanted to cooperate and provide the necessary information, if they believed it was necessary.

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– Then he also received comments from the Norwegian police and prosecutors, and it was that there was no need to attend, and that they did not want him. Since then he has been calm and therefore is very surprised when he is taken out of his normal work and life situation and sent to jail.

Hanne Fauske says she is unaware that the defendant has been in contact with the police in 2019.

– However, I can say that the Oslo Police District is related to the surrender request submitted by the Spanish authorities and the international cooperation that the Norwegian police is committed to through EAW (Eurepean Arrest Warrent), he adds.

RELEASE REQUESTS: Advocate Vidar Lind-Iversen says he will submit a release request tomorrow, Monday, September 7. Photo: Hansen, Frode

The other defendant also does not plead guilty.

– As I have understood by the client and the Spanish lawyer, he is about to be withdrawn from the case. It has not been shown to have anything to do with this, defender Vidar Lind-Iversen tells VG.

Lind-Iversen adds that the man has previously been detained in Spain in connection with the incident, but has been released. Now he hopes that the client will also be released from Norwegian custody.

– I hope it is possible to get it out during the week.

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The man lives in Spain and, according to the defender, he was only visiting family in Norway when the Norwegian police arrested him. He also says the man was initially returning to Spain, in part because his son was returning to school.

– I’ll send a release request tomorrow. There is no danger of evasion as we see it.

Fauske, for his part, says they will soon try to have the Norwegians extradited.

– None of them have consented to extradition, so the court must decide at its own hearing whether the conditions for extradition are met. At the time of writing, a court hearing has not been scheduled, but due to deadlines set by law, it will be held shortly.

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