Two foreign nationals have been reported for breach of quarantine and must pay 20,000 each – NRK Troms and Finnmark – Local news, TV and radio


This article is over a month old and may contain outdated advice from authorities regarding coronary heart disease.

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– People came through Germany, which is a red country, and should have been in quarantine. Instead, they went on an organized fishing trip, says Troms Police District Operations Manager Eirik Kileng.

The foreign nationals were detained by a patrol in Tromsø and have now been reported to have violated quarantine provisions and fined NOK 20,000 each.

– They are familiar with the arrangement and should have been in quarantine. Now we are working to see if there are more people involved, says Kileng.

30,000 kroner for going to the shop

Also last weekend, a person infected with corona had to pay 30,000 crowns to go to the store.

It was the public who informed the police that a person diagnosed with coronary heart disease had stopped by a grocery store in Tromsø on two occasions on Friday.

The man was told he was infected Thursday.

According to the police, the person in question did not comply with isolation and quarantine regulations after being diagnosed with corona infection.

In March, a man was fined 15,000 crowns after an incident in which he shot a guard in the face and told him “now you have the crown.”

State Norway

Last update: 07.11.2020
