Two defendants after cave party – considering various charges – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


– The two are currently accused of unauthorized access and remain in the bunker. Police will continually assess whether the charge should be extended or if more people should be charged, police attorney Julie Wangensteen Lien told NRK.

The defendants are not in detention and the risk of loss of evidence is continually assessed.

Lien will not comment further on the possible extension of the position. She says the investigation of the case is now in full swing.

– We carry out continuous investigation steps, have a dialogue with, among others, the Oslo University Hospital, go through seizures and examine electronic leads. We are working to obtain information that allows us to have a complete picture of the situation, says the police lawyer.

The police were notified; had no ability to track

NRK wrote Sunday that a person had notified police about the party in advance because they were concerned about safety and possible infection.

– The warning was not taken as seriously as expected. It was a short conversation and police showed little interest in what he had to think about, he said.

TV 2 and Dagbladet have also spoken to a man who says he called the police and announced the party around one thirty last night.

On Monday, police confirmed that they received both leads, but had no capacity to do anything with them.

Regarding the advance warning, the police say the following:

– Police receive various reports on events / parties daily, and especially on weekends. The police do not have the ability to respond to all of these on the basis of infection control, but will be able to do so when there is a basis for our presence.

The data that came in around one-thirty was about the noise and that there were between 20 and 30 drunk young people in the area around the cave.

– At the time this message was called, I was very busy with many ongoing assignments, including stabbing Haugenstua. At this time, the police had no capacity to follow up on the report on noise and intoxicated youth, the press release said.

The bunker will be inspected on Tuesday.

The police will now also carry out more questioning of witnesses. So far they have not questioned the people who were present at the party.

– These are some of the things that we will implement in the near future, says Lien.

– Have the police made any findings in the bunker that provide answers in the investigation?

– We had some seizures. We hope to have more discoveries tomorrow. The bunker will then be inspected by forensic technicians, Lien responds.

A party in an old bunker with up to 200 participants on Sunday night ended dramatically.

More than 20 people were taken to the hospital, probably with carbon monoxide poisoning. Portable diesel generators were used inside the bunker.

The only way to get in and out was a hole about 1 by 1 meter.

One of those who participated in manipulating the party has previously denied doing anything reprehensible to NRK.

NRK has tried several times to contact the party organizers with no response.

Three still in the intensive care unit

Three people are still being monitored in the intensive care unit, Oslo University Hospital said on Monday.

The hospital estimates that most of the 27 who were admitted to the hospital will be discharged during the day.

The chief of staff of the fire service in Oslo, Lars Magne Hovtun, says the party could end fatally.

– This party could have big consequences. This low oxygen and high carbon dioxide was just one of many things that could have happened here, he says.

If there had been a fire, things could have gone much worse, according to the chief of staff.

– Then you can imagine how 200 people would be evacuated through the small hole, without emergency exits. It had become an even bigger disaster with dozens, hundreds of deaths.

Seven people found unconscious after a bunker party

A police patrol in Oslo came across several deranged youths outside Collets in St. Hanshaugen on Sunday night. Large forces from the police, health and fire department moved to what turned out to be a rave party.

Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB scanpix

– Thinking it was stupid in hindsight.

On Monday, NRK contacted one of those who are still hospitalized.

Says he helped get people out of the bunker.

– They were unconscious and it was very dark. There was no contact with them, he says.

He says he wasn’t intimidated at the time, but that it all seemed “a bit unreal.”

– You think “this doesn’t happen to me,” he says.

He has been in the hospital since Sunday night and is being released today.

– In hindsight, I think this was stupid. But when you start drinking, you become a little less critical, says the man.
