Twitter – Ministry of Justice on horses tweet:


“I reached level 2 with my horse Belleza!”, Was the wording in a tweet published by the Ministry of Justice on Saturday afternoon.

Soon after, the message was deleted from Twitter.

– We have deleted the tweet now, press contact Raheela Chaudhry told Dagbladet. He added that the Ministry of Justice is taking the case further with ICT.

At 5.30 p.m., the press contact states that they have received clarity about what happened:

– We are in control. Human error.

Photo: Screenshot / Twitter

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Chaudhry will not explain what human failure consists of, except that “only a small mistake has been made.”

Dagbladet has asked what consequences the incident has for the person who has made a mistake and what consequences the incident has for the security routines of the Ministry of Justice.

Chaudhry refers to Twitter, where the ministry on Saturday night commented on the incident as follows:

In addition to the joking photo of Justice Minister Monica Mæland (H) with a four-legged partner, the ministry has shared a slightly more serious message:

“The account of the Ministry of Justice has not been hacked, nor has it been attacked by viruses. Here, simply human error has occurred. Now everything is under control and the password has been changed. “

A handful have access

A screenshot that Dagbladet has access to shows that the horse’s tweet was posted at 16:03 on Saturday afternoon.

– When did you hear about the tweet?

– A few minutes ago, Chaudhry tells Dagbladet around 4:22 p.m. The Ministry of Justice had no control over what had happened at the time, but did not suspect viruses or piracy.

There are a handful of employees who have access to the Ministry of Justice’s Twitter account, says Chaudhry.

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ICT Expert: – Very serious

Before the case was clarified, Torgeir Waterhouse, an ICT expert and partner at Otte, said that it is probably one of two things that has happened here:

– Or the unauthorized person has gained control of the account. Or there are some who are at work who have messed with the accounts, who have set up several accounts in the Twitter application and have messed with the ones they use. You may have synced your Twitter account with a game.

If unauthorized people are involved, it could be because they have access to the account or because they have access to someone’s computer, where the account is connected, according to Waterhouse.

Regardless of whether it is an accident or theft, the Justice Ministry should take a closer look at security, he believes.

– This is very serious. This is one of the government interfaces.

ICT EXPERT: Torgeir Waterhouse. Photo: ICT-Norway
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– What measures should the Ministry of Justice take now?

– The first point is to make sure they have control over the account. The second step is to change the password and ensure the highest possible security. They must have two-factor authentication – if you have the correct username and password, you must also enter a temporary code to enter. That way, of course, it must be continuous, so you can’t log in permanently.

The consequences of the horse’s tweet will depend on what actually happened.

– If it is an accident, you must harden the routines. Employees cannot have these types of accidents. And if someone has trespassed, they should be reported to the police, says Waterhouse.
