Twelve infected inmates in Oslo prison:


The Oslo prison has been hit by a corona outbreak in which 12 prisoners have been infected and 30 have been quarantined. The same applies to “a significant number” of employees.

The prison director, Nils Leyell Finstad, reports to VG.

It was Dagbladet who brought up the case for the first time.

The director of the Oslo prison, Nils Leyell Finstad, describes it as an “extraordinarily demanding situation”, which has not yet been resolved.

– There is a constant spread of infection in the Oslo prison with which we work intensively. We have 12 inmates who have been diagnosed with infection and are in isolation, and another 30 inmates in quarantine.

For security reasons, Finstad cannot say how many employees are in isolation or quarantine.

– But there is a significant number, he says.

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Admission stop

Despite the challenges, the prison administrator believes the situation is manageable.

– We have implemented a personnel plan in case of crisis. Starting today, we receive help from nearby jails. We have had a strong staffing throughout the week, but they have certainly been extraordinarily demanding.

However, the prison has stopped for the moment in admitting new inmates.

– We continually evaluate how long it should last, says the prison director.

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According to Finstad, the prison has extensively tested employees and inmates to reduce the virus outbreak. In addition, inmates are closely monitored by health personnel.

They have also prepared an alternative activity plan, which means that all prisoners have two hours or more of ventilation. Other measures have also been introduced, such as the possibility of long and free calls.

Visits by prisoners are still possible, but to a lesser extent and under strict infection control measures.

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Praise the prisoners

Finstad wants to praise the prisoners for how they have handled the situation.

– I am very impressed with them. I’ve been through the entire pandemic. This is demanding for the interns, but I feel like they understand that we are all in a demanding situation and that we do the best we can.

The prison administrator says 10 months went by without them having a single proven case of corona among inmates, before it is now reduced.

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– Right now the situation is very different, but we are prepared and planned for it. Among other things because we are in Oslo where we have a lot of custody and many prisoners who come and go.

Naturally, a prison is a somewhat more demanding setting than many other places when an outbreak occurs, but Nils Leyell Finstad still expresses optimism:

– Now we have a goal: to end this outbreak.

OSLO PRISON: Farukh Qureshi (right) during a tour of Storting representatives Maria Aasen-Svensrud and Masud Gharahkhani earlier this year. Photo: Mattis Sandblad

Employees: – Surreal situation

Staff also believe that the situation in the prison is currently manageable, but the prison union leader OFF cautions that this may change.

– There is no doubt that it will not be long before we move to the other side, says Farukh Qureshi to VG.

He thinks it is almost a miracle that they weren’t infected in prison until recently, and attributes a mixture of luck and skill to him.

– A phenomenal job is being done to handle the situation and the cooperation with management is good, he says.

However, the current situation is perceived as demanding for employees, who in their dealings with prisoners are directly exposed to infection.

– It’s actually a surreal situation. We go to work knowing that there is a risk of it infecting us. There is great respect for the way employees handle the situation. Many stand up for each other far more than can be expected from their colleagues, says Qureshi.

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