Tucson Mayor Before Trump Election Rally: –


In an intense attempt to catch up with Biden in the polls, Trump has added the election campaign to several tip states in recent days. On Monday, he’s in Arizona, ready to speak to voters.

But the mood is broad. Mexicans are among the largest immigrant groups in the generally Republican-friendly state. During the 2016 election campaign, the president attacked this ethnic group, calling them rapists, criminals and murderers.

He does not forget the mayor of Tucson, Arizona, the Democrat and Latin American Regina Romero. This is where Trump will take the stage at 9:00 p.m. Norwegian time.

Fear of marriage

Fear of marriage

– Let’s not forget that Trump declared his first presidency in 2016 by calling Latin Americans rapists and murderers. Let’s not forget that he pardoned Joe Arpaio (Sheriff of Phoenix, Arizona) who terrorized us for years. We don’t forget that he kept the children in cages 45 minutes from us, he says in an interview with MSNBC before the Monday night meeting.

Trump said during the 2016 election campaign that he would deport everyone in the United States illegally, and that he would build a wall against the border with Mexico, for which they would have to pay. Former Sheriff Arpaio, referred to by Romero, was accused of abusing his position by severely discriminating against minorities. The AP news agency has previously discussed the border policy of the Trump administration, which has received massive criticism for separating children from illegal immigrants at the US border and putting them in cages.

THEY WERE PRESSED: The host put the president against the wall during the interview on NBC, and Trump responded evasively. Video: NBC via AP
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– You owe us money

Romero also points out that Trump owes his city money. in a mail To the president, she writes that during the 2016 election campaign, Trump opened the Tucson Convention Center, a large publicly owned conference center in the city. It is said to have cost $ 80,000, which equates to around NOK 744,000, an amount he should never have paid.

– In addition, we estimate that Monday’s event will cost the city an additional $ 50,000, equivalent to about NOK 464,000, for security services. Since this is a promotional event, we respectfully ask that you reimburse the city and its taxpayers for these expenses, Romero writes in the letter.

MAYOR: Romero sent a letter to the president before the voters meeting Monday night. Photo: Josh Galemore Arizona Daily Star / AP / NTB
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Desperate triumph jakt

Desperate triumph jakt

Also, remember the coronary restrictions that the city has introduced in the wake of the pandemic.

– Tucsonans have made great sacrifices to curb the spread of Covid-19. On June 17, the city council made a unanimous decision to introduce requirements for bandages for people in public places where it is difficult to comply with social distancing, Romero writes in the letter.

The reminder comes after Trump held a rally in Carson, Nevada, on Monday night. A large audience came up to see him speak, most without a mask. That made the governor of Nevada, Democrat Steve Sisolak, furious.

COMPLICATED: Several times a presidential candidate has won the elections despite having fewer votes than his opponent. This is how the American electoral system works.
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I need the voters

Opinion polls show a close race between Trump and Biden in several major states with tips. Trump needs Latin American voices and is trying to build excitement by pointing out that unemployment among them was low before the corona pandemic broke out.

This part of the population has been greatly affected by the pandemic. In August, the unemployment rate among people of Latin American origin was 10.5 percent.

Trump vows to speed up the economy and believes Biden will jeopardize opportunities if elected.
