Trump’s “star witness” goes viral


The fierce fight by the Trump campaign to convince the judiciary that Joe Biden’s victory was due to electoral fraud has drawn much criticism and publicity.

However, much of the recent criticism has been directed at one of the so-called “star witnesses” of the Trump campaign, Melissa Carone. She was brought in in November as an “extraordinary witness” to support the Trump campaign’s election fraud allegations.

It is said that he worked as IT support for the machines that counted the votes on Election Day in Detroit.

In an interview with the television channel Fox News in November, he drew attention when he claimed to have seen that the ballots were scanned several times and that the vans that were supposed to deliver food to the poll workers hid thousands of ballots.

Two days later, a judge declared his allegations “simply not credible,” according to The Washington Post.

Silenced by Guiliani

A judge’s dismissal of Melissa Carone’s election fraud allegations did not stop the Trump campaign from using her as a witness at a Michigan hearing on Wednesday. There he insisted aloud, without proof, that thousands of votes had been counted twice.

– I know what I saw, says Carone, and then goes directly to Steve Johnson, judge and member of the House of Representatives.

– I signed something that said if I’m wrong, I could end up in jail. Did you do it? He asks Johnson.

Carone is said to have spoken repeatedly about Johnson when he tried to get to the bottom of his allegations of voter fraud.

Even Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s personal attorney, reacted to Carone and hugged her while talking about Johnson.

- Had an intense meeting

– Had an intense meeting

Rejected in court

Michigan officially approved the election results in late November and declared that all 16 state voters go to Joe Biden.

– We will continue to fight electoral fraud across the country as we fight to count all legal votes. Americans must make sure the end results are fair and legitimate, Jenna Ellis, one of Trump’s legal advisers, wrote on Twitter after the news broke.

The figures showed that Biden beat Trump by about 155,000 votes in the state. In the Detroit area, however, Trump claimed there were vote counting irregularities and therefore called for the approval of the election to be postponed, writes the Washington Post.

TRIUMPH: President Donald Trump delivered a new speech. Video: The White House
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The viral videos of “star witness” Melissa Carone illustrate how the Trump campaign has been fighting the headwinds of late. Last Thursday, the Supreme Court rejected the Wisconsin Trump campaign’s attempt to challenge the state’s election results.

The justices concluded that the Trump campaign must seek treatment in a lower court first, under state law.

The Trump campaign claims the election official incorrectly accepted more than 200,000 ballots. They argued that the case was so urgent that it should be dealt with immediately by the state Supreme Court.

On Tuesday, however, US Attorney William Barr said the Justice Department has found no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the election.
