Trump’s press secretary extended: –


President Donald Trump’s press secretary Kayleigh McEnany is not known to intervene when she is on the White House podium. Friday was not an exception either.

After giving an account of the administration’s handling of the crown, which McEnany says has “saved many American lives,” he ended the session with a longer written tirade about President Donald Trump’s treatment, both before and after. of the electoral victory in 2016.

– We have talked a lot about the transfer of power. It is worth remembering that this president was never granted a proper transfer of power. His presidency was never accepted.

EXTENDED: Kayleigh McEnany extended at a press conference on Friday.  Photo: Susan Walsh / AP / NTB

FAR: Kayleigh McEnany walked up to a press conference on Friday. Photo: Susan Walsh / AP / NTB
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– In 2016, when he was elected president, many tried to undermine, reject and deny his victory. There were no calls for unity, he says, adding:

– So, while all the legitimate votes are counted, let’s not forget the unforgivable transition, or lack thereof, that President Trump had to experience in 2016 and four years after his presidency.

Trump surprised - spoke at APEC meeting

Trump surprised – spoke at APEC meeting

Towards Obama

He also referred to the investigation into Trump’s campaign relations with Russia, which he believes was an attempt to undermine the will of the American people.

But the American people spoke out and elected Trump against all odds.

– And what happened after your election? Then there were 70 elected Democrats who said they would not run for his inauguration.

SWEAT RUNS: Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, sweated so much at the press conference that he overflowed on social media. Video: AP
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McEnany is also close to former President Barack Obama, who he believes had a hidden agenda when he met with Trump after the election victory.

– They had “an after-book meeting” where they discussed The Logan Act, which was later used to go after Michael Flynn.

Former US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was previously accused of lying about his contact with Russia’s ambassador to Washington after the 2016 presidential election. Flynn admitted the matter, but withdrew his confession in January this year.

Call local poll workers

Call local poll workers

Refuses to accept defeat

Despite the fact that weeks have passed since Democrat Joe Biden was declared the winner of the presidential election, Trump doubts that victory is his. He believes the sole reason for Biden’s victory is widespread voter fraud. Trump’s camp argument is, among other things, major issues with the legality of vote-by-mail, a method that was largely used by Democrats.

Because Trump still believes he is the winner of the election, he has not taken the traditional congratulatory phone call to the other party or started the process of handing over the Oval Office to Biden, who will take office in January.

IT CAN BE CHAOS: President Donald Trump lost this year’s election campaign to challenger Joe Biden. But how much chaos can he create before he has to leave the White House on January 20, 2021? VIDEO: AP
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When asked earlier at the press conference about when Trump planned to begin the transition process to Joe Biden as president, McEnany responded:

– The president has been very clear. He wants all votes to be counted and illegal votes not to be counted.

In addition, he referred to both lawsuits and diplomas in various districts.

– There is an ongoing investigation right now. 74 million Americans voted for Trump. More votes than any president in history has received, he says.
