Trump’s Coronation Messages Blocked On Social Media – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


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– He has handled it the best he could. I think people make a lot of noise about what they do, people are super critical, says Patricia Wilhelm when NRK meets her in a park in the capital, Washington DC.

– The job of the president is to assure the people

She believes that you have to learn to live with risk and thinks it is perfectly fine for Trump to remove the bandage when he is in the White House. She also believes that it is correct for the president to say that the virus should not be feared.

– All presidents should say that, it is their job to assure the people, he says.

Particia Wilhelm

Patricia Wilhelm believes that many are super critical of everything Trump does.

Photo: Lars Os / NRK

It emerged on Friday that Donald Trump had tested positive for the crown. After three days in the hospital, he was able to return home to the White House on Monday.

Also striking is the fact that Trump removed the bandage before entering the White House when he returned from the hospital Monday night. Trump may still infect others, and the behavior has also raised concerns about the further spread of the virus among the president’s staff.

President Donald Trump traveled home from the hospital by car and helicopter. On the balcony he took off the blindfold.

Before returning home, he had spent the day tweeting, among other things. He wrote that he will be back on the electoral campaign trail soon and that he was ready to go back to work. He also speculated that he may now have become immune to the coronavirus.

– Do not be afraid of the covid. Don’t let it rule your life, Trump wrote on Twitter.

Received criticism

Trump’s reduction of the coronavirus sparked a backlash from several infection control experts. Norwegian Health Minister Bent Høie also said he did not agree with the statements.

“I am concerned about covid-19 every day and hourly,” Høie said when asked to comment on the US president’s remarks.

Health director Bjørn Guldvog was somewhat more critical of the statements.

“We have to be careful with this virus, which I think his statement downplays,” Guldvog said.

The message was on Facebook and Twitter for hours before Facebook removed it and Twitter flagged it as misleading.

– Common people do not receive the same treatment.

Neil Majmundar believes that it is not as easy for the average American to do as Trump and not fear the virus.

Neil majmundar

Neil Majmundar says he has voted for presidents on both sides before. This time he will vote democratically.

Photo: Veronica Westhrin / NRK

– Common people do not have access to the treatment they have received. So it’s hard for people to protect themselves and not live in fear, he says.

He believes that it is not correct to say that to people who do not have the same access to the same treatment as the president.

Pentagon leaders in quarantine

In recent days, there have been several reports of White House employees infected with the virus.

On Tuesday, it was also announced that several Pentagon leaders, including Chief of Staff Mark Milley, are in quarantine after one of the Coast Guard leaders tested positive.

Milley and the leaders of the US Army, Navy, and Air Force have run negative corona tests, but are still in quarantine. Among those covered is the head of the United States Cyber ​​Command, General Paul Nakasone.

Top military leaders work from home, and the situation should not have affected military readiness.
