Trump’s Close Aide Stephen Miller Tests Positive For Crown – NRK Urix – Foreign Documentaries & News


A White House official says Miller first tested negative as the president’s people tried to gain control of the outbreak, which now affects 15 to 20 people.

Miller is one of the architects behind Trump’s “America First” policy and the tightening of the rules for immigration to the United States.

His wife, Katie Miller, who is Vice President Mike Pence’s communications director, has previously been infected with corona. She has negative lateral test.

Stephen Miller, White House Counselor

Stephen Miller, 35, is an adviser and speechwriter to President Trump.


Last in line

Miller is only the last in a row in the White House to be infected with the coronavirus. Those who tested positive include campaign manager Bill Stepien, spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany, advisers Kellyanne Conway and Hope Hicks and several of their assistants.

President Donald Trump, who tested positive Thursday night, returned to the White House on Monday after three days in the hospital.

He said Tuesday that he was feeling fine and no longer had any symptoms.

– He rested well on the first night tell home. Today he says he has no symptoms, said his doctor, Sean Conley. Conley has emphasized that Trump is not yet out of the danger zone.

I did not understand the seriousness

But Trump again demonstrated that he is downplaying the severity of the pandemic that has killed 210,000 Americans, when he compared the disease to the common flu.

– Flu season is coming. Do we close the country? No, we must learn to live with it, just as we learn to live with covid, which in most people is much less deadly, he tweeted.

Later, Twitter posted a message in Trump’s tweet, in which they said they violated Twitter guidelines for spreading misleading and potentially harmful information about the virus.

When he returned from Walter Reed Hospital on Monday night, he also clearly showed that he did not take the virus very seriously. Demonstratively, he removed the bandage and put it in his pocket before entering to meet his staff.

Population in the White House

While a highly contagious Trump is isolated in a makeshift office in his private room right next to the White House hospital, his wife Melania, who tests positive, is in quarantine on the second floor.

The entire department of the office in the west wing acts almost like a haunted house as a result of the outbreak, as many are at home with the infection or quarantined, or work from home.

Disappointment has been voiced for both journalists and Secret Service agents and other employees, such as chefs and cleaning staff at the home where the majority, from Trump and down, took the dangerous virus very lightly. A Secret Service agent said almost no one wore a mask.

Doubt about the debate

On Tuesday the question was raised whether it is possible to hold the second presidential debate next week.

Guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that you must be in quarantine for ten days after being infected, and up to 20 days if you have been sick.

Trump says he is looking forward to the debate, which will take place less than 12 days after he tested positive. Challenger Joe Biden is skeptical and says he shouldn’t stay if Trump is sick. The debate will take place in Miami, Florida, on October 15. It is planned that the public in the room and can ask questions of the candidates.
