– Trump was warned not to forgive himself.


Outgoing US President Donald Trump has completed his latest list of pardons. On Wednesday morning, the White House publishes the list in its entirety, which includes 73 people, from white-collar criminals to rappers in profile.

Among those on the list is Steve Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist. He has been accused of embezzling large sums from the “We Build the Wall” campaign, where the money was used to build a border wall with Mexico. But the money ended up in his own pocket, according to the prosecution.

See the full list of Trump’s latest pardons here.

After several rounds with himself, Trump is said to have concluded to whom his latest pardons will apply. The list does not include the president or any of his family members, who many speculated would be on the list, according to the New York Times.

JUST THE PRINCIPLE: – We have created the largest political movement in the history of the United States, said Donald Trump in his farewell speech on January 19, 2021. Video: The White House
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It is also not a coincidence that Trump does not forgive himself and his family members.

CNN writes that on Sunday it received a “strong warning” against doing so. Trump is said to have long discussed pardons with his advisers, who reportedly emphasized that forgiving himself and his family members would put him in a “legally dangerous position.”

- Threatened by

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According to the channel, they must have said that it would make him look guilty of something.

Before the White House released the list of pardons, there was also speculation whether Trump would pardon the violent insurgents who attacked Congress on January 6, an attack that claimed five lives. Several of the insurgents have pleaded with the president about this, but even here Trump’s advisers put their foot down, writes CNN.

They are said to have feared a pardon from them could rile Republicans in the Senate, where they are now working to bring an indictment against the president in higher court.
