Trump vs. Biden: – – Like night and day


An image is an example of infection control in practice. The second seems to come from another era.

Both were taken on the same day and in the same country, but they show two very different approaches to the global corona pandemic.

They also show the difference between the Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and the president of the United States, Donald Trump.

IMMUNE: Donald Trump held his first public meeting after crown disease and claimed that he is now immune. Video: AP
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Driving arrangement

As Trump rallied thousands of supporters Monday for a rally in Sanford, Florida, which was neither “metro’n” nor spokesman, Biden spoke with far fewer supporters in Ohio.

First, Biden spoke during a drive-in movie, where supporters gathered in a parking lot and sat in their cars while the presidential candidate spoke, according to Danish TV 2.

Then Biden stepped in, and the number of listeners dropped in line with the environmental change.

Inside a museum in Cincinnati, 20 local politicians attended a 35-minute speech that Biden gave. They were all wearing a mask and they were all sitting in chairs more than a meter apart.

IHUGA FANS: Many Trump supporters braved the rain and showed up for the “Trump rally” in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on October 13. Video / Reporter: Vegard Kvaale
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Infection control

Allan Randrup Thomsen, a professor of virology at the University of Copenhagen, believes that the risk of infection at Trump’s election rally was “significant.”

– Trump supporters behave here as if the crown does not exist at all, he tells Danish TV 2.

He adds that the risk of infection outdoors is lower than indoors, but that, according to the images he has seen, Trump’s public meeting has not yet made the necessary considerations.

His assessment of the Biden events is completely different.

“Absolutely perfect” is the professor’s verdict after viewing the footage from Biden’s indoor event.

– Biden’s voter meeting appears to be as safe as possible. In fact, it’s a school example, he says.

On the difference between the events, he says:

– Like night and day.

– ELLEVILT: The Dagbladet reporter is in the United States to cover the elections. Before Trump’s speech on Monday night Norwegian time, there was a wild mood among his supporters. Video: Trym Mogen and Emilie Rydning
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– alarming

The newspaper itself was present during Trump’s public meeting in Sanford on Tuesday night. Few of the participants wore masks and the recommendations on distance seemed forgotten.

During the election campaign event on Thursday night, Dagbladet sent a photo from the airport to well-known American investigator Eric Feigl-Ding. He was worried about what he saw.

– I think the lack of distance and the use of bandages is alarming, he told Dagbladet.

Feigl-Ding is a renowned epidemiologist in the United States after more than 16 years as a researcher and lecturer at the prestigious Harvard University. He is now affiliated with the think tank of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) and has been highly critical of the handling of the crown by Donald Trump and the United States.

PIECES: President Donald Trump once again approached his opponent in the battle for the office of Joe Biden during the convention in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Video: AP
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First date

Trump’s rally in Sanford was the first thing the president organized after being crowned.

Last week, he was released from Walter Reed Military Hospital after being treated for coronary disease for three days. Trump was then in solitary confinement at the White House until he was released earlier this week.

When he again stepped on a stage in front of his followers, he expressed that he felt “powerful” and “victorious”.

– It gives you a good feeling when you can beat something (your own crown disease, journ.anm.) And now they say you’re immune, he said during the hour-long speech.

Then Trump ended up in the most loving corner.

– I feel powerful. I’m going into the hearing. I’m going to go in there and I’m going to kiss everyone in the audience. “I’m going to kiss the boys and the beautiful women,” Trump continued.

It also does not conform to infection control recommendations.
