Trump: under another administration, vaccine work would take 3-5 years


That was the president’s message when he met with the press for the first time in a week on Friday. There, he claimed that the Pfizer vaccine, which was unveiled this week and protects 90 percent of those who receive it, against the coronavirus, was created because of the Trump administration’s Warp Speed ​​vaccine program.

– Leaders from various countries have called us and congratulated us for what we have achieved. I want to congratulate everyone who has been involved in this, it has been a fantastic effort, says Trump.

“Through Warp Speed, we do it in a year, if you had another administration, this would have taken three, four or five years in my opinion,” says Trump.

Available to most people in April

The president says the vaccine will be approved soon and then distributed to front-line workers and those in the risk group. The vast majority can expect to have the vaccine available in April, Trump says.

The president also stated that another vaccine, the Moderna vaccine, is about to be approved urgently.

Trump also accuses Pfizer of making an unfortunate mistake when the company said they were not part of Warp Speed, as they had received federal funding.

Everyone with a mask, except Trump

Everyone who attended the press conference, including Vice President Mike Pence, wore masks, except for Trump himself.

Trump also made it clear that his administration will not impose any shutdowns on society to control the outbreak.

– It costs lives. Terrible things happen during a shutdown, with alcohol and drugs, people lose their jobs. We will be very attentive and attentive. We understand the disease, it is complicated, but we understand it. We ask all Americans to be vigilant, says Trump.
