Trump to Contribute to Orderly Takeover – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


– Congress has certified the results of the elections. A new government will be installed on January 20. I want to help ensure that the transition takes place in an orderly manner, it is time for healing and reconciliation, says President Donald Trump in his new greeting video on Twitter.

He regrets that the election results did not turn out as many expected.

“Being your president has been the greatest honor of my life,” he says in the video.

Condemn the unrest in Congress

He calls the unrest that took place in Congress in Washington yesterday heinous attacks.

“Like all Americans, I am shocked by violence, lawlessness and insanity,” he said.

And he adds that he immediately summoned the National Guard and the federal police to secure the congress building and remove the intruders. Several media reported yesterday that it was Vice President Mike Pence who took care of it.

– The United States is and always will be a nation for law and order, he says.

It also says that the protesters who infiltrated Congress have failed against democracy in the country.

“The protesters who entered Congress have tarnished the seat of American democracy,” he said, vowing that those who broke the law would be prosecuted.

He says that it has been a very emotional moment after an intense election, but that now is the time to calm down so that the country can continue.

– My campaign has taken all legal measures to challenge the election result. My sole objective was to ensure the integrity of the elections. To fight for democracy in the United States, he says.

The president notes that 2020 has been a demanding year with a corona pandemic.

– It has led many people to be isolated in their homes, damaging our economy and taking many lives. Looking ahead, we must fight together to weaken the pandemic and strengthen the economy, he says.

Trump greeted his supporters.

– I know you are disappointed, but I also want you to know that our incredible journey has just begun.
