Trump supporters refuse to budge after rejected demands against election results – VG


DON’T GIVE UP: Trump supporters flocked to the Stop the Steal rally in Washington DC on Saturday. Not all of them wore face masks in the large crowd. Photo: Thomas Nilsson, VG

WASHINGTON DC (VG) The Supreme Court’s no to a lawsuit by Texas to reject the result of elections in several states with tips, Trump supporters mobilized for new demonstrations on Saturday.

Thousands of ihuga Trump supporters have rallied for chaos and protests in the US capital since early Saturday morning US time.

The Texas lawsuit, which was rejected on Friday, was supported by President Donald Trump, half of Republicans in Congress and by 18 states.

But attempts to reverse the election results in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin failed. Joe Biden won in all four states.

GRACE: Michael Flynn, Donald Trump’s recently pardoned former security adviser, participated in the rally and appealed, in favor of Trump and against the recent Supreme Court decision to reject the lawsuit against the election result. Photo: Thomas Nilsson, VG

In its court decision on Friday, the Supreme Court (Texas) affirms that Texas does not have a formal legal basis to advance the lawsuit on behalf of the four states.

CNN describes it as a severe blow to Trump’s side. When even judges like President Trump himself have failed to advance their case, almost all hope of being able to reverse the election result is lost.

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Therefore, the demonstrations in front of the Supreme Court on Saturday are seen as something of the latest upheaval by Trump supporters.

One of the participants is Michael Flynn, Donald Trump’s recently pardoned former security adviser. He is greeted as a folk hero in the sea of ​​people on Saturday.

TRUMP FLYED: The Marine 1 helicopter with Donald Trump on board took off from the White House and flew over the protesters. Photo: Thoma Nilsson, VG

The former general was fired by Trump on February 14, 2017, after just 24 days in office, for lying to Vice President Mike Pence and the FBI about his conversations with Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Sergei Kislijak, in the period. between the electoral victory of Donald Trump and the inauguration. President.

In late November, the outgoing president solemnly pardoned him.

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Flynn refuses to answer VG’s questions during Saturday’s chaotic rally. He is content to say that Norway is a beautiful country.

VG asks right-wing radio host Alex Jones what he thinks about the Supreme Court’s rejection of the Texas lawsuit.

– They are a lot of politicians who fail the United States, says Jones, who participates in the demonstration on Saturday. He is a supporter of Trump and, among other things, is mentioned as one of the right-wing conspiracy theorists in The New York Magazine.

RADIO HOST: Trump supporter and radio host Alex Jones made a name for himself among protesters Saturday. Photo: Thomas Nilsson, VG

VG is in Washington DC, where there is a large and diverse group of protesters on Saturday. They are Trump supporters and refuse to give in to their fight to disapprove of the election result. Many participate. People are close together, many of them without masks after a day with large numbers of Americans killed in the pandemic.

President Donald Trump flies over the protesters for a few minutes in the Marine 1 helicopter. The helicopter is greeted with cheers.

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A demonstrative Trump supporter woman who calls herself Rubya says she fights for freedom and the right for herself and her children to choose health services for themselves.

– I do not want our country to become socialist, says Rubya to VG.

– What do you think about the Supreme Court dismissing the Texas lawsuit?

– We were a little scared, but we do not lose hope. God is with us, the woman replies.

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