Trump says he’s immune


On Sunday, President Donald Trump announced that he was happy to be immune to COVID-19. He does so in an interview with Fox News.

– I just have to say that I feel fantastic. I feel very good. I’m also glad that, you know, the word immunity means something. Wearing a protective glove means something. I think it’s important to be immune, having it with you is important, says the president.

On Sunday night, the president’s doctor, Sean Conley, stated that Trump is no longer considered contagious.

It was on Friday of last week that Donald Trump declared that he had been diagnosed with Covid-19. The president was also hospitalized, but was released after three days and returned to the White House on Monday.

GUESTS 2000: On Saturday, Donald Trump gathered a large crowd in front of the White House for a “law and order” event.
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There are still gaps in knowledge about the strength and duration of immunity after suffering a covid-19 infection. However, experts have considered that the vast majority of infected people most likely develop immunity to the disease.

A comprehensive study from Iceland, published in the acclaimed New England Journal of Medicine, found that more than 90 percent of cases had antibodies at least four months after diagnosis.

THIS HAPPENED: We follow Trump’s medical check-up on Fox News and summarize what happened. Video: Dagbladet TV
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To date, there have been some cases of covid-19 reinfection. The first confirmed case of reinfection was discovered by researchers at the University of Hong Kong in August. The patient was a young man who four months earlier had suffered a covid-19 infection with mild symptoms. The man tested positive for the second time after being in Spain, but had no symptoms.

The researchers were able to determine that the man had been infected twice using whole genome sequencing, which allows the SARS-CoV-2 virus to be distinguished by different genetic lines.

Do not worry

Anne Spurkland, an immunologist and professor in the Department of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of Oslo, has stated that she is not concerned about reinfections.

– For me, being immune means not getting sick twice. Therefore, from time to time you can have the virus in your body even if you are immune. At present, we don’t know how this affects the spread of the infection, Spurkland told Dagbladet in September.

– It does not surprise me much that people are infected with covid-19 a second time. For now, I’ll wait and see what meaning it can have.
