Trump reportedly received oxygen at the White House – VG


Before he was sent to the hospital on Friday, Donald Trump is said to have been given oxygen. The president must have been having trouble breathing.

Both the AP news agency and The New York Times report that the president was given oxygen on Friday, before being transferred to Walter Reed Hospital.

Two sources tells The New York Times that the president was having trouble breathing. On Saturday night, President Donald Trump was hospitalized and treated with various corona drugs.

The newspaper article is written by journalists Maggie Haberman and Peter Baker. Haberman is known to be one of the closest people to Trump, while Baker has covered the White House for several years.

– This morning, the president is doing very well, says President Sean Conley’s physician in a news release Saturday.

Minutes after the briefing, however, the White House Press Corps received a report from a source familiar with the president’s state of health that the condition was “very worrying.”

According to the source, the next 48 hours will be “critical.” Reuters, AP, CBS and CNN are among the outlets that have reported on the report.

The president himself wrote on Twitter Saturday night that he feels good and praises the efforts of the health service.

– The doctors, nurses and everyone at the great Walter Reed Medical Center, and others from equally amazing institutions that have joined them, are wonderful.

In the last six months, tremendous progress has been made in fighting this pest. With your help, I feel good.

Dr Sean Conley says the president was taken to the hospital for security in order to closely monitor his condition. The first days in the course of the illness are very important, he says.

Avoid oxygen problems

When asked repeatedly by the press if Trump needed a respirator or an oxygen supply, doctors said he did not need oxygen on Saturday morning. When asked if he had needed oxygen before, he did not reply:

– Have you not received supplemental oxygen?

– He’s not on oxygen now, that’s correct.

– You haven’t received any oxygen?

– Today he has not received any oxygen, it is true, answers Conley.

Conley was also asked how likely the president was to need oxygen assistance in the future.

– I do not want to put a percentage, but it seems that it will be connected with supplemental oxygen in the future, the doctor believes.

A little later, Conley was asked once more about oxygen.

– Have you ever taken supplemental oxygen?

– He’s not on oxygen at the moment.

– You repeat “right now”. Do we read between the lines what it means that it has been?

– Yesterday and today he has not been on oxygen.

– Have you been at that in your covid-19 treatment?

– He has no oxygen now.

Towards the end of the press conference, the doctor was pressed on the subject of oxygen for the last time.

– I try again. Was he taking oxygen? Did you get oxygen on Thursday?

– Let me see. Today is Saturday? He didn’t get oxygen on Thursday, no.

-Thursday friday and saturday?

– On Thursday there is no oxygen, now nothing today, and yesterday with the team, while we were all here, he has not been on oxygen.

Milder symptoms

Trump has had symptoms like a cough and a stuffy nose, but according to Conley, these have improved recently. You have not had a fever in the past 24 hours. The doctor won’t say anything about how high the president’s temperature has been.

– Have you had trouble breathing?

– No, he does not do it. She’s had a fever, cough, and a stuffy nose, Conley says.

Conley has a background in the military, was educated in emergency medicine and is licensed as an osteopathic physician.

The president’s medical team says in the press release that they cannot give any tentative plans on when the president can be terminated.

– He is a 74-year-old man and somewhat overweight. Other than that, it has no other risk factors, Conley says.

The White House says the president has mild symptoms and Donald Trump himself posted a message on Twitter Saturday morning.

– It’s going well, I think! Thank you all. LOVE!!!

Donald Trump’s wife, First Lady Melania Trump, is not hospitalized and is reportedly in good shape.

Helicopter transportation

The president is being treated at Walter Reed Military Hospital. He was transported there by helicopter on Saturday night. When he got to the hospital, Trump posted a video update on Twitter.

– I want to thank everyone for the enormous support. I’m going to Walter Reed Hospital. I think it is going very well, but we will make sure that everything goes well. The first lady is doing very well. Thank you very much, I will never forget it. Thank you, Trump says in the video.

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