Trump Public Meeting – – Alarming


SANFORD, FLORIDA (Dagbladet): Donald Trump gathered what was possibly a five-digit number of people close to each other for a gigantic election campaign rally outside Orlando, Florida.

However, what he describes as “a fantastic group of people” and a number of audiences that he himself was truly impressed with raises concern among health experts.

Florida is one of the states hardest hit by the corona pandemic with more than 15,000 deaths. The infection is now increasing and it is feared that the recent reopening of “ordinary life” will lead to a new wave of infection.

– alarming

Donald Trump’s giant rally is unlikely to help the situation. Few of the participants wore masks. Recommendations about distance seemed forgotten.

NEW VACCINE PROMISE: “We have fantastic vaccines coming in … 100 million doses during the year,” Donald Trump said during an election campaign rally in Florida Tuesday night.
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During the election campaign event on Thursday night, Dagbladet sent a photo from the airport to well-known American investigator Eric Feigl-Ding. He was worried about what he saw.

– I think the lack of distance and the use of masks is alarming, he tells Dagbladet.

Feigl-Ding is a renowned epidemiologist in the United States after more than 16 years as a researcher and lecturer at the prestigious Harvard University. He is now affiliated with the think tank of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) and has been highly critical of the handling of the crown by Donald Trump and the United States.

– risky

Florida photos don’t appeal to him.

– I look at this image from two angles. For the audience here, it is definitely risky to be so close to each other with little distance and very few bandages. Even outdoors, there is a risk when people are packed, Feigl-Ding tells Dagbladet.

- Ask for problems

– Ask for problems

He was one of the first to really warn about the dangers of COVID-19 in the American media. The country has truly been saved from the pandemic with more than 215,000 deaths and soon.

The think tank he now works for, FAS, was founded in 1945 by scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project to develop the first atomic bombs. The goal was to hold government officials accountable through scientific facts to avoid catastrophic consequences. So far, investigators have found it very difficult to communicate with Trump.

EXPERT: Eric Feigl-Ding has distinguished himself in the debate on the American crown. Photo: FAS
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Big eruption

He is accused of trivializing the virus. In addition to gathering large crowds, he has almost always chosen not to wear a face mask.

FLORIDA: Hundreds of people wait hours for President Donald Trump to speak at an election rally in Florida. – Trump is fantastic, believe many of those present. Video: Trym Mogen / Dagbladet
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It resulted in a corona diagnosis for him and his wife Melania a week and a half ago, which has almost turned the American public away. The outbreak associated with the White House has been significant.

The return turns the city upside down

The return turns the city upside down

At the same time, Trump has been treated with Remdesivir and dexamethasone in addition to a cocktail of antibodies described as experimental. The president himself described the treatment as a cure during the public meeting Tuesday night. Shortly before taking the stage, White House physician Sean Conley issued a recent update claiming that Trump had tested negative for corona.

– Still contagious

Trump himself claims that he is immune and no longer at risk of infection. That’s wrong, says epidemiologist Feigl-Ding.

“Trump can still be contagious,” he said.

- Always in attack mode

– Always in attack mode

Dr. Sean Conley declared Saturday that Trump is no longer contagious to others. The doctor referred to a coronation test conducted Saturday morning, nine days after Trump was confirmed to be infected.

– This morning’s test shows, according to today’s recognized standards, that it is no longer contagious to others, Conley writes in the statement.

– Still positive

However, Feigl-Ding believes that the White House is hiding something.

– Conley’s letter refers to Binaxnow tests (a type of quick test). Such tests should not be used to report anything. Trump will probably still test positive on a PCR test, as I interpret the letter, Feigl-Ding tells Dagbladet.

- It looks very bad

– It looks very bad

PCR tests are very sensitive and can detect the genetic material of the virus. Trump’s doctor has received much criticism for not revealing the president’s values ​​in such a test.

“There have been no culture tests for the virus that can show that it is not contagious,” says the epidemiologist.

In any case, Trump has plans to continue the election campaign. On Tuesday night, he will hold a voter rally in Pennsylvania. Iowa, North Carolina and Wisconsin are also on the calendar this week. It can mean many more thousands of viewers.
