Trump plans to fire them if he wins


It’s the Axios online newspaper that comes with the sensational revelation, written by its White House correspondent, Alayna Treene.

Among those the president plans to replace if he wins the November 3 presidential election are FBI chief Christopher Wray and CIA chief Gina Haspel, the newspaper writes.

You should plan to do it right away.

Avisa, who cites two sources who have discussed the decision with Trump, writes that the undercurrent of the replacements is mistrust and great dissatisfaction within the Trump administration.

Had it not been for the presidential elections and the political headaches that replacements could have caused, it would have done so by now, writes Axios.

VICE PRESIDENT: US President Donald Trump wanted his eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, to be his vice presidential candidate during the 2016 election, according to a new book. Photo: Rex / shutterstock / NTB.
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US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will also be on the list. Trump is also considering replacing Justice Minister Bill Barr and Education Minister Betsy DeVos, according to the newspaper.

However, the information has not been officially confirmed.

“We have no personnel changes to announce and it would not be appropriate to speculate on changes after the election or during a second term,” White House press secretary Judd Deere told Axios.
