Trump lost: – Definitely


Several US outlets reported late Friday that Joe Biden of the Democrats won the vote in Georgia, giving him 306 voters.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, who wins in North Carolina, has 232 voters.

– It has been turned upside down since 2016. Biden wins above the voters and wins the “popular vote” with nearly six million votes. It’s a clear victory, says US expert Eirik Løkke, a Civita adviser at Dagbladet.

Løkke also points out that the battle for the Senate is in Georgia.

– No doubt. We have been a bit misled by the narrative here. If this had happened on election night, it would have seemed clearer than it has been. When the count went as it was, with the postal ballots at the end, he had the impression that the election was more even than it was, he says.

EXPERT IN THE UNITED STATES: Eirik Løkke is a consultant at Civita.  Photo: CF-Wesenberg /
USA-EKSPERT: Eirik Løkke is a consultant at Civita. Photo: CF-Wesenberg /
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– I can’t turn this around

– Is it worse for him that the loss is so great?

– Yes, he doesn’t like to lose anything. This is not good for your image of yourself. In addition, he has criticized Biden, who does not do him any good.

Despite repeated allegations of voter fraud and fraud, Trump cannot win this election, according to the expert.

– Trump can’t turn this around. Nobody believes that. He comes up with crazy conspiracy theories. The question is to what extent Trump will undermine democracy down the road. He keeps spreading conspiracies, claiming that it is a fraud and a trap, in the best authoritarian style. Actually, what you are trying is a hit.

Løkke emphasizes that it is the allegations of election fraud and fraud that he believes to be a form of coup, and not that Trump is calling for recount and legal proceedings to be started.

– On Election Day he asked for the vote counting to be stopped. It’s a wild twist. He is a very abnormal president. We have not seen anything like it in modern times.

The lawyers are retiring

The lawyers are retiring

– Authoritarian leader

There is no evidence that voter fraud or fraud was committed during the election. Because these claims have come and gone, the election is one of the safest in American history, the expert believes.

– You won’t get anywhere with this. He is trying to get the courts to refuse to certify the election. But they have not been able to point out errors in the trials.

WON: The Trump campaign won a lawsuit in Pennsylvania. This is how the election affects the United States. Reporters: Mars Nyløkken Helseth and Vegard Kvaale / Dagbladet TV.
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Løkke thinks Trump is doing public relations.

– There is no legal case. The way he’s doing it means that many of his voters are convinced the election has been stolen. This makes it more difficult to build a democracy for the future.

– The United States calls itself a beacon for democracy. Trump is a gift pack for authoritarian leaders.

– What will this mean for your legacy as president?

– He will be remembered as a president who did not respect democracy. He wants to destroy a lot. Many will probably remember him as the worst president in American history. An authoritarian personality in a liberal democracy.

Biden was announced as the winner of the presidential election by the numbers company Decision Desk HQ, which during the election has compiled figures on behalf of Dagbladet, as early as November 6, three days after election night. A day later, on November 7, US heavyweights CNN, Fox News, NBC and AP followed suit and also formally declared the Democrat the winner.
