Trump is treated with belt dives


This was stated by the president’s doctor in a statement on Saturday morning, Norwegian time.

– I am pleased to announce that the president is doing very well. It does not require the supply of oxygen, but after talking with specialists, we have decided to begin treatment with strapsivir, writes Trump’s doctor, Sean Conley, in a statement posted shortly after 05:30 Norwegian time.

Conley further claims that the president is resting in hospital after receiving his first dose of strapsivir.

– Love !!!

Just before Conley’s statement, Trump submitted his own update via Twitter.

– It’s going well, I think! Thank you all. Love!!! writes the president.

The message is Trump’s first since a video greeting was posted shortly after 12:30 am Norwegian time on Saturday night. Even then, the president expressed optimism.

Trump: – I think I’m doing very well.

“I think I am doing very well, but we have to make sure that things work out,” the president said shortly before being admitted to Walter Reed Military Hospital.

The Ebola drug Remdesivir has previously shown promising results in corona patients and was urgently approved for use in the United States on May 1 of this year.

The drug appears to have the best effect for patients who need an oxygen supply but are not sick enough to be put on a respirator, according to the Reuters news agency.

It can shorten the course of the disease.

Remdesivir is also part of a Norwegian study and is being tested in Norwegian patients.

– The medicine helps to stop the production of viruses. It affects the genetic material of the virus and makes it difficult for the virus to multiply in the body, says Espen Nakstad, deputy director of health at the Norwegian Health Directorate.

Nakstad believes that the drug has been shown to be beneficial as it can shorten the course of the disease in someone who is infected with corona. However, it has not been shown to affect the survival of people who become seriously ill.

Get Regeneron

The president is also treated with Regeneron, which is classified as an experimental drug, which is not approved as a drug.

– It is one of the many types of drugs that drug manufacturers are investigating now. The drug is based on a principle in which different antibodies are taken from patients against the coronavirus, they also produce them synthetically and give the antibodies to sick patients, Nakstad says.

Explain that they make “a cocktail of antibodies” to make it work.

– The drug is not approved in Norway. It is in an early phase of development that there are signs that the drug will show promise, but it is too early to say for sure, he says.
