Trump is infected with the coronavirus – VG


IN QUARANTINE: President of the United States, Donald Trump. Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP

US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are infected with the coronavirus. They both tested positive after their close adviser Hope Hicks was confirmed infected.

This is what the president says on his own Twitter account.

– Tonight, FOTUS (first lady, editor’s note) and I tested positive for covid-19. We will begin the quarantine period and recovery process immediately. We’ll get through it together, he writes on Twitter.

It is currently unclear what the president’s quarantine will look like. The US health authorities recommend a quarantine period of ten days after the first symptoms appear, or ten days after you have tested positive, if you do not have symptoms.

With just a few weeks left on the election campaign, this could have major consequences for Trump’s election campaign program.

Hard to keep your distance

In an interview with Fox News on Friday night, Trump says it’s hard to keep his distance from him and the people on his team.

– It is difficult when you are with soldiers, when you are with the air force, the navy and the police, I am with them a lot. And when they come to you, it’s hard to say “keep your distance, keep your distance.” You know, it’s a difficult situation, it’s terrible, he says.

In July, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany announced that Trump was being tested several times a day for the virus.

Infected close counselor

On Friday he was supposed to give an important speech to his followers in the state of Florida. It is currently unclear if this will be implemented. The Trump campaign website does not contain information about this taking place.

Earlier, Trump announced on Twitter that his close adviser is infected.

– Hope Hicks, who has worked so hard without taking the slightest break, has just tested positive for the coronavirus. Cruel! She leaned.

Few advisers are closer to Trump than Hope Hicks. She has recently traveled with Trump several times, including for the first presidential debate in Cleveland with Joe Biden on Tuesday.

He was also on Marine One with several of Trump’s closest advisers, Jared Kushner, Dan Scavino and Nicholas Luna, none of them wearing masks, when Trump went to an election campaign event in Minnesota on Wednesday.

– It tested positive. I just figured out. It tested positive. She is a worker. Lots of face masks, she wears face masks often but tested positive. Then I went out and they did the test. We’ll see, you know, the first lady and I spend a lot of time with her. So she’s being tested too, Trump told Hannity.

The president’s public program for Friday, which was announced shortly after he attended “Hannity,” shows he was going to a fundraiser at his hotel in Washington and then to Sanford in Florida for an election campaign event.

CLOSE ADVISOR: Hope Hicks works closely with the President of the United States, Donald Trump. Photo: ERIK S. LESSER / EPA

Defy the advice of the crown

Trump, who has been criticized for his handling of the corona pandemic, has repeatedly challenged the advice of his own coronavirus task force.

This, among other things, in the way in which several of the employees of his administration dropped the bandages and through the president’s participation in a series of events full of electoral campaign.

In Hannity’s interview, Trump speculated that Hicks may have been infected by the virus from a supporter.

– He’s a very warm person. She is having a hard time, when the soldiers and the police approach her, she will treat them well. She won’t say “stay away, I can’t be near you”. It’s a very, very cheap disease, says Trump.

A source tells CNN that Hicks has experienced symptoms and is back in Washington. It is not clear how severe your symptoms are.

VG updates the case.

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