Trump is accused of spreading conspiracy theories: – The offer is controlled by people in dark corners


On Monday night, Donald Trump was interviewed by the American news channel Fox News. During the interview, the president is said to have made several accusations about his opponent Joe Biden. Among other things, he is said to have claimed that the Democratic presidential candidate is not in command and is controlled by other powers.

“Biden has absolutely nothing in control,” Trump said during the interview.

Conspiracy theories

Fox reporter Laura Igraham asked if Trump thought it was people from the Obama administration who were “pulling the strings.”

– These are people you’ve never heard of. The offer is controlled by people in dark corners, Trump claimed. Trump was interrupted by Igraham, who questioned the president’s claim.

– What does that mean? Sounds like conspiracy theories, says Igraham.

Given this, Trump reiterated that “there are people you have not heard of who operate at street level.”

An ongoing investigation

In addition, Trump is said to have claimed that “thugs” with the purpose of “causing great harm” must have been aboard a plane en route to the national Republican meeting that took place Aug. 24-27.

– Some of our people got on a plane from a certain city to attend the Republican National Convention. The plane they were on was full of thugs. Our people were going to a national meeting and these other people came with the purpose of doing great harm, the president said.

When Igraham asked the president for more details, Trump refrained from responding so as not to damage an ongoing investigation.

“I’ll tell you more later, but right now this is under investigation,” Trump said.

Doubts about Biden’s abilities

Trump has repeatedly questioned Biden’s ability to rule the country. During an interview with Fox News in July, he claimed that Biden is out of shape.

“He’s fucked up, mentally fucked up,” Trump told Fox News.

Trump further claimed that Biden would “destroy the country” if he won the next presidential election in November.
