Trump in serious trouble three weeks before destiny: – Could be a bloodbath


That’s what Ken Spain, who worked for the Republican Party during the 2008 presidential campaign, says.

In an interview with NBC, he compares this year’s election campaign to what happened 12 years ago. Then Barack Obama surprised the Republican camp, beat John McCain, and then was able to occupy the White House.

– The worst period a candidate could have

“I think it could be a terrible election,” said Republican Senator Ted Cruz. Photo: Brian Snyder / Reuters / NTB scanpix Photo: NTB scanpix

– The president probably had the worst period a candidate could have entered in the last month of an election, he says in the interview.

Now the Republican strategist warns that Trump may suffer the same fate.

That is why he asks his fellow party members to use their energy to save their seats in Congress. If voters turn their backs on Trump, the entire party will suffer from this and will be greatly weakened in the next four-year period.

– They have to build independent brands and distance themselves from Trump if they want to have a chance, believes Spain.

Fighting at the polls

The polls do not follow Trump’s path in the election campaign. Some probably expected a sympathy effect after the president became crown, but this has had no effect so far.

According to an average of the latest national polls, Biden leads with 51.9 percent support against Trump’s 42.1 percent.

In the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida and Arizona, Biden leads. An average of polls across the six states gives Biden 49.1 percent, compared to 44.5 percent for Trump.

Several Republicans now express fears that Donald Trump will lose the presidential election and throw the Republican Party into a crisis.

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– We can lose the White House and both houses of Congress

– I think it could be a terrible choice. I think we can lose the White House and both houses of Congress. It could be a bloodbath of Watergate proportions warns Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz in an interview with CNBC.

However, he does not rule out that the mood may change before the elections, but says he is very concerned about development.

– It’s unstable, it’s very unstable.

Republican Senator John Cornyn criticized Trump this week for creating confusion about the coronavirus and failing as the pandemic spread across the country.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he doesn’t want to be near the White House because of handling the corona virus. The Guardian.

This type of statement signals unrest in a row in the next crucial weeks before the election.

May have scared off insecure voters

After Trump was released from the military hospital, he has shocked both his own party colleagues and medical experts and perhaps insecure voters who have not yet made up their minds.

Trump’s stance on the coronavirus scares infection control experts. Now they fear that the “irresponsible” behavior of the president could aggravate the contagion situation in the United States.

– Do not be afraid of the covid. Don’t let it rule your life, Trump wrote Twitter. after printing. The first thing he did when he went up to the balcony of the White House was to tear off the bandage. At the time, he was still contagious and was taking medication for covid-19.

– Probably just an effect of the steroids

– I think the president is making a mistake and is now exposing people to danger. As president, you should protect the health of Americans, not say that everything is “fine.”said Carlos del Río, MD and professor of Medicine and Public Health at American Emory University.

In the Twitter post, Trump boasted of feeling better than he has in 20 years.

– It’s probably just an effect of the steroids. It certainly could have made Trump feel more vital, the professor said.

Both Twitter and Facebook have removed the misleading messages about the virus because they believe the president is downplaying the corona pandemic.

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