Trump has crown – – Several knew


The shocking news on Friday is that US President Donald Trump, Melania Trump, and one of his closest advisers, Hope Hicks, tested positive for the coronavirus. Now the big question is how long it was from the infection until the news was known.

It was anyway

According to CNN correspondent Kaitlan Collins at the White House, what is described as a small group in the Trump administration should have known that Hope Hicks had tested positive for corona early Thursday. She is referring to White House sources.

Despite the infection being known, President Trump still went to New Jersey to attend an event the same day, Collins writes in Twitter.

RETURNS: Donald Trump exits “Air Force One” upon returning yesterday from a fundraising meeting in Bedford, New Jersey. At the time, people in the administration already knew that counselor Hope Hicks was infected, according to the CNN reporter. Photo: Mandel Ngan / AFP / NTB
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The big question now is when was the president infected and how many may he have passed on before it became known. On Wednesday, thousands of Trump supporters gathered at a Minnesota airport. Trump himself says his Hicks may have been infected in front of a supporter.

– She is a very warm person. She has a hard time asking people to stay away when they come to her, and she just wants to treat them well. “It is a very, very hard disease,” Trump told Fox News, as quoted by CNN.

Risk rejected

Throughout the election campaign, the president has held large meetings, which has been widely criticized when it comes to infection control. During the debate against Joe Biden on Wednesday night, he defended the strategy, citing vaccines as the main solution to combat the pandemic, ahead of social distancing and the use of bandages.

- Risk increases dramatically

– Risk increases dramatically

“My election campaign meetings have been held in the open air and have not had any negative impact on the spread of covid-19,” Trump said during the chaotic debate.

According to ABC News, which verified the claim, this is incorrect, as at least one election campaign event took place indoors. In addition, several cases of disease are associated with these:

BOTH INFECTED: Last night it became known for the first time that counselor Hope Hicks had been diagnosed with covid-19. Soon after, Donald Trump himself confirmed that he and his wife Melania were infected with the coronavirus. Photo: Mandel Ngan / AFP / NTB
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After the first election campaign meeting in Tulsa on June 20, the city’s health director said the event “likely contributed” to the rapid rise in corona infections in the area since then. Additionally, eight members of Trump’s campaign staff tested positive.

– Biden in the basement

During the debate on Wednesday night, Trump further said that he had gathered between 30,000 and 40,000 people during the events and that everything had gone well. Also, he boasted that he can gather many listeners, while Biden “only gathers three or four.”

– That’s why Biden is hiding in the basement, he said bitterly about the opponent.
