Trump doesn’t believe in bad polls


“Donald Trump still believes in a superior electoral victory,” he told his cheering supporters in front of the White House.

US President Donald Trump reiterated that “we will fight the China virus” when he spoke to jubilant supporters on the lawn in front of the White House. Photo: Alex Brandon / AP

– We love you, we love you, we love you, shouted hundreds of people.

“I love you too,” said the president with a wide smile.

It was the president’s first speech after being discharged from the hospital. It is still unknown if he is completely healthy and can no longer be considered a carrier.

– I feel very good, he said to great cheers.

Hundreds of people gathered on the lawn in front of the White House. They were invited to a “peaceful demonstration for law and order.” The organizer was Candace Owens, one of Trump’s top black supporters.

More than 2000 were invited, but many did not enter the lawn.

The organizers had distributed t-shirts in advance. The vast majority also wore red caps

They were encouraged to wear face masks and maintain physical distance. Television images showed that many were nearby, many appeared to be wearing face masks.

In reality, it is not allowed to gather more than 50 people in the capital of the country. But that rule doesn’t apply for federal reasons, as the White House does.

Supporters screamed and yelled “we love you” at the president during the more than 15-minute election campaign speech. Photo: Alex Brandon / AP

Free for minorities

The president could barely complete the sentences before the audience interrupted him with cheers. He compared his enthusiastic supporters to the meetings his opponent Joe Biden had in the election campaign. The Democratic Challenger strictly adheres to infection control rules. That means small meetings.

He referred to the areas in which political analysts say he struggles with support and flatly rejected these analyzes.

Trump reiterated that he has done a lot for those of color and that many of them are grateful.

He recalled that many of the riots in the wake of the deaths of Black Americans in police custody have affected neighborhoods with many minorities.

The president thundered at the protesters, whom he first called “socialists.” Then he said they are worse than that, “communists.”

The mainstream media, like CNN, believe that Trump really doesn’t have much faith that minorities will leave the Democratic Party and vote for him. But by talking to them, you can weaken the impression that you have a bad relationship with them.

This is important considering that many white voters do not want to vote for a candidate that many perceive as racist.

Therapists instead of cops

Many of the guests were policemen. Trump claimed that if the Democrats win, they will go to war against law enforcement.

He also said that he has the support of all police organizations in the country.

– Well, I tell everyone. But then they’ll probably find one and say I give the wrong impression, he said.

“They” in this context is what he calls the “lying media”. It is a fact that Trump has strong support in law enforcement organizations.

He also said that if Biden becomes president, it will no longer be the police who respond when people call the emergency number, but a therapist.

Optimistic before the elections

He also stated that most of the electoral promises of the 2016 elections have been kept.

“We have emptied the swamp,” he said of Washington DC.

And he said that the wall against Mexico will soon be completed.

After a week in which the vast majority of the media has had plenty of bad opinion poll stories, Trump said he has a lot of good polls from the important auspicious states.

Even Trump’s close friends Fox News has published articles that Trump is after Joe Biden. Other outlets have had many interviews with Republican leaders, both named and anonymous, who fear a landslide victory against them.

Trump blew this out, promising to win. At the same time, he continues to claim that there is large-scale electoral fraud.

He said many ballots have been found in the ditches, something his spokesmen have struggled to document in the past.

Resume the electoral campaign

On Monday, Trump travels to Florida for what will be his first official election campaign event since he was diagnosed with corona on October 1.

On Tuesday he will travel to Pennsylvania, which, like Florida, is a major transitional state.

On Wednesday, Trump will campaign in Iowa, say campaign staff.

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