Trump cuts ties with his own lawyer – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


President Donald Trump still refuses to accept electoral defeat and still insists that the election was the subject of numerous cheating, but has yet to provide any solid evidence.

One of the president’s attorneys, who has made some of the most serious undocumented allegations of voter fraud, is Sidney Powell.

Among other things, he claims that Joe Biden won the presidential election with “communist money” and “millions of converted votes.”

Now, Trump’s campaign team distances herself from her, saying she was “never part of the legal team.”


The statement, signed by Trump’s personal attorney Giuliani and campaign attorney Ellis, states that Powell is practicing law on his own.

– She is not a member of Trump’s legal team. Nor is she the president’s attorney personally, the attorneys’ statement states.

That she is not part of the team surrounding Trump contradicts the president’s own statements.

He had previously boasted of having Powell as part of his team to “defend free and fair elections.”

Powell herself says she understands the attorneys’ statement, but won’t give up.

– I will continue to defend those whose votes were stolen in this massive electoral fraud. A new lawsuit is on the way, the lawyer said in a statement to CBS.

Donald Trump and Chris Christie

Trump has yet to formally accept the election results. Now, several of his closest allies are urging him to do so, including former Governor Chris Christie.

Photo: Carolyn Kaster / AP

Destiny Week for Trump

Although Trump has called for another recount in the state of Georgia, hopes of turning the election results in his favor are beginning to fade.

More and more states that have counted votes are getting closer to final results, writes CNN.

A Pennsylvania judge has rejected a lawsuit brought by Trump’s campaign team that would invalidate millions of mail-in ballots cast in the state.

According to Judge Matthew Brann, the court has received a number of “worthless solicited legal arguments” and “speculative allegations.”

– Like the Frankenstein monster, the accusations are composed at random, the judge writes in a statement.

Several close allies have called on Trump to accept electoral defeat. Among others, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who strongly opposes the president’s attempts to influence the election results.

– The president has had the opportunity to go to court. If you have evidence of voter fraud, you must provide it. “The behavior of Trump’s lawyers has been an embarrassment to the nation,” Christie told ABC News.
